ACM SIGMOD Philadelphia, USA, 2022
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Summary of D&I-Themed Events at SIGMOD 2022

1) D&I keynote: Strategies for Creating Inclusive Learning Environments.

Time slot and date: 9:30 – 10:30 on Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Session Chair:

Fatma Özcan, Google

Speakers: Colleen Lewis


Teaching advice often comes in the form of transformative approaches that seem great for students, but would easily double or quadruple our workload! I will describe teaching and mentoring practices that you can integrate without reinventing the wheel and sacrificing your work-life balance. Most importantly, these are practices that can help everyone and have additional benefits for students of color, women, and first-generation college students.


Colleen Lewis is an Associate Professor of computer science (CS) at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Lewis was previously the McGregor-Girand Associate Professor of CS at Harvey Mudd College. At the University of California, Berkeley, Lewis completed a PhD in science and mathematics education, an MS in computer science, and a BS in electrical engineering and computer science. Her research seeks to identify and remove barriers to CS learning and understand and optimize CS learning. Lewis curates, a NSF-sponsored project for disseminating effective CS teaching practices. Lewis has received the NSF CAREER Award, the Undergraduate Mentoring Award and the Emerging Leader Award for her efforts to broaden participation in computing.

2) D&I panel: Success and Impact Beyond Traditional Metrics.

Time slot and date: 16:00 – 17:00 on Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Session Chair:

Susan Davidson, University of Pennsylvania


Recently, as a more inclusive alternative to work-life imbalance, the term love-loathe imbalance ( has been proposed. This new terminology underlies that by doing work that gives us more joy and energy and is more aligned with our values and strengths, we can have a more fulfilled life. There could be different aspects of our work that give us strong motivation and fulfillment. Yet, these aspects don’t always align with the definition of success or impact in industry or academia. Having a more diverse mindset when it comes to how we define the impact and success could help in fostering different strengths of a wide variety of people and create a more inclusive environment in our community.


Divesh Srivastava is the head of Database Research at AT&T, where he leads a team of world-class researchers. He is a Fellow of the ACM, the President of the VLDB Endowment, on the Board of Directors of the Computing Research Association, and co-chair of the ACM Publications Board. He has conducted research on a wide variety of topics in data management for three decades and has served as the (co-)chair of the Technical Program Committees of many conferences including SIGMOD 2021, VLDB 2020 (Industrial), SIGMOD 2020 (Industrial) and ICDE 2019.

Magdalena Balazinska is Professor and Director of the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington. Magdalena's research interests are in the field of database management systems. Her current research focuses on data management for data science, big data systems, cloud computing, and image and video analytics. Prior to her leadership of the Allen School, Magdalena was the Director of the eScience Institute, the Associate Vice Provost for Data Science, and the Director of the Advanced Data Science PhD Option. She served as PC co-chair for the VLDB 2020 conference. She is an ACM Fellow. She holds a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2006). She was named a Microsoft Research New Faculty Fellow (2007). She received the inaugural VLDB Women in Database Research Award (2016), ACM SIGMOD Test-of-Time Award (2017), a 10-year most influential paper award (2010), an NSF CAREER Award (2009), the UW CSE ACM Teaching Award (2013), the Jean Loup Baer Career Development Professorship in Computer Science and Engineering (2014-2017), two Google Research Awards (2011 and 2018), an HP Labs Research Innovation Award (2009 and 2010), a Rogel Faculty Support Award (2006), a Microsoft Research Graduate Fellowship (2003-2005), and multiple best-paper (and "best of") awards.

Nesime Tatbul is a senior research scientist at Intel Labs and MIT, currently serving as Intel's lead PI for the Data Systems and AI Lab based at MIT CSAIL. Previously, she served on the computer science faculty of ETH Zurich after receiving a Ph.D. degree from Brown University. Her research interests are broadly in large-scale data management systems and modern data-intensive applications, with a recent focus on learned data systems, time series analytics, and observability data management. Nesime is the recipient of an IBM Faculty Award (2008), and a co-recipient of an ACM SIGMOD Research Highlight Award (2022), an ACM SIGMOD Best Paper Award (2021), two ACM SIGMOD Best Demonstration Awards (2005 and 2019), an ACM DEBS Grand Challenge Award (2011). She has been an active member of the database research community for 20+ years, serving in various leadership roles for the VLDB Endowment, ACM SIGMOD, and other organizations

Arun Kumar is an Associate Professor of CSE and HDSI at the University of California, San Diego. His primary research interests are in data management and systems for ML/AI-based data analytics. Systems and ideas from his research have been adopted as part of major open-source libraries and shipped in products by multiple database, Web, and cloud companies. He is a recipient of multiple paper and service awards from SIGMOD/VLDB, an oSTEM Faculty of the Year Award, and the IEEE TCDE Rising Star Award. He was an inaugural Associate Editor for the Scalable Data Science category of PVLDB and an inaugural Diversity and Inclusion Co-Chair for SIGMOD.

Sourav S Bhowmick is an Associate Professor at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His current research interests lie in human-data interaction, data management, psychology and data-centric computing, network biology, data-driven learning, and data-driven bias management. He is the inventor of CLOSET, a comprehensive software for detection and management of COI that is currently being used in multiple venues. He believes that traditional simplistic measures such as number of (top-tier) papers, h-index, and citation count may not necessarily be robust indicators of success or impact and worst, may deter researchers to undertake unconventional research.

Katja Hose is a professor in the Department of Computer Science at Aalborg University, where she is leading the Data, Knowledge, and Web Engineering group. Prior to joining Aalborg University, she was a postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics in Saarbrücken, Germany, and earned her PhD in Computer Science from Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany. Her work is rooted in databases and graph technologies and spans theory, algorithms, and applications of data science and knowledge engineering including knowledge graph management, querying, and analytics. She has co-authored more than 100 peer-reviewed scientific publications and regularly serves as a reviewer for a broad range of conferences and journals. She has served in many different organizational roles for international conferences, such as VLDB, SIGMOD, EDBT, TheWebConf/WWW, and ISWC, including program co-chair roles for EDBT 2023 and ESWC 2021.

3) Resume Review Workshop for Students from Underrepresented Groups.

Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) is core to adopting innovative thinking. A diverse group of people tends to surface different perspectives, which help build more inclusive products and technologies. To achieve D&I in tech workspaces, tech companies need to spend more effort to break the barriers that prevent people from diverse groups from joining the industry. One of these barriers is resume filtering either by hiring managers or by algorithms. In this workshop, several hiring managers and engineers are invited to share their experiences in reviewing resumes. First, fews hiring managers will share tips about the do's and don'ts of resume writing. Then, participants will have the opportunity to have one-on-one meetings with managers or engineers who conduct interviews to get feedback on their resumes. The goal is to allow participants to see how their resumes are perceived at the hiring process. Everyone is welcome!