Title | Authors | Starts | Video | Paper |
BiDEDE 1: Keynote 1 and Paper (Location: 201A, Chaired by Maruth Goyal and Simon Paasche).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Neoteric Frontiers in Cloud and Edge Computing | Rajkumar Buyya (Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems (CLOUDS) Lab, The University of Melbourne) | 08:30 AM | ||
MetaFaaS: Learning to learn on serverless | Varad Pimpalkhute, Shruti Kunde, Rekha Singhal, Surya Palepu, Dheeraj Chahal, Amey Pandit | 09:30 AM | Recording | |
HILDA 1: Keynote 1 (Location: 201B, Chaired by Azza Abouzied, Dominik Moritz, Mike Cafarella).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Opening remarks | 09:30 AM | |||
Keynote presentation | Sudeepa Roy | 09:45 AM | ||
GRADES-NDA 1: Research 1 (Location: 203A, Chaired by Semih Salihoglu and Vasiliki Klavri).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Opening remarks | 08:30 AM | |||
Converting Property Graphs to RDF: A Preliminary Study of the Practical Impact of Different Mappings | Shahrzad Khayatbashi, Sebastian Ferrada and Olaf Hartig | 08:40 AM | ||
Batch Dynamic Algorithm to Find k-Core Hierarchies | Kasimir Gabert, Ali Pinar and Umit Catalyurek | 09:00 AM | ||
Flexible Application-aware Approximation for Modern Distributed Graph Processing Frameworks | Michael Schramm, Sukanya Bhowmik and Kurt Rothermel | 09:20 AM | ||
Efficient Provenance-Aware Querying of Graph Databases with Datalog | Yann Ramusat, Silviu Maniu and Pierre Senellart | 09:40 AM | ||
DyGraph: A Dynamic Graph Generator and Benchmark Suite | Andrew McCrabb, Hellina Nigatu, Absalat Getachew and Valeria Bertacco | 10:00 AM | ||
Sponsors 1: Sponsors Session 1 (Location: 202B, Chaired by Eduard Dragut).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Innovations in SQL Azure | Shweta Raje | 01:30 PM | ||
Poster session: Amazon | 02:00 PM | |||
Sponsors 2: Sponsors Session 2 (Location: 202B, Chaired by Fotis Psallidas).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Megagon Labs: empowering people with better information to make their best decisions | Estevam Hruschka, Yuliang Li, Jin Wang | 03:30 PM | Recording | |
Vesoft: Nebula Graph: a next-generation of hyperscale graph database | Hao Wen | 03:45 PM | ||
Data Management Research and Development at Google | Fatma Ozcan, Justin Levandonski, Sam Idicula and Amit Ganesh | 04:00 PM | ||
Tutorial 1: Data-driven Visual Query Interfaces for Graphs: Past, Present, and (Near) Future, Part 1 (Location: Online, Chaired by Yinjun Wu).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Data-driven Visual Query Interfaces for Graphs: Past, Present, and (Near) Future, Part 1 | Sourav S Bhowmick (Nanyang Technological University); Byron Choi (Hong Kong Baptist University) | 08:30 AM | Recording | |
Data-driven Visual Query Interfaces for Graphs: Past, Present, and (Near) Future, Part 2 | Sourav S Bhowmick (Nanyang Technological University); Byron Choi (Hong Kong Baptist University) | 08:45 AM | Recording | |
Data-driven Visual Query Interfaces for Graphs: Past, Present, and (Near) Future, Part 3 | Sourav S Bhowmick (Nanyang Technological University); Byron Choi (Hong Kong Baptist University) | 09:20 AM | Recording | |
BiDEDE 2: Paper Session 1 (Location: 201A, Chaired by Ted Shaowang and Simon Paasche).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Doppler: Understanding Serverless Query Execution | Thomas Bodner, Tobias Pietz, Lars Jonas Bollmeier, Daniel Ritter | 11:00 AM | ||
Metamodel driven acceleration of actor-based simulation | Chetan Phalak, Mayank Mishra, Shruti Kunde, Rekha Singhal, Sana Iqbal | 11:20 AM | ||
Evaluating push-down on NoSQL data sources | Michal Bodziony, Rafal Morawski, Robert Wrembel | 11:40 AM | ||
A SPARQL Benchmark for Distributed Databases in IoT Environments | Benjamin Warnke, Johann Mantler, Sven Groppe, Yuri Cotrado Sehgelmeble, Stefan Fischer | 12:00 PM | Recording | |
HILDA 2: Session 1 (Location: 201B, Chaired by Azza Abouzied, Dominik Moritz, Mike Cafarella).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Context Sight: Model Understanding and Debugging via Interpretable Context | Jun Yuan and Enrico Bertini | 11:00 AM | ||
Quest: A Query-Driven Framework to Explain Classification Models on Tabular Data | Nadja Geisler and Carsten Binnig | 11:10 AM | ||
Exploratory Training: When Trainers Learn | Omeed Habibelahian, Rajesh Shrestha, Arash Termehchy and Paolo Papotti | 11:20 AM | ||
Panel Discussion | 11:30 AM | |||
GRADES-NDA 2: Keynote 1 and Industry (Location: 203A, Chaired by Semih Salihoglu and Vasiliki Klavri).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Keynote: Knowledge Graph Representation Learning and Graph Neural Networks for Language Understanding | Jing Huang (Alexa AI, Conversational Understanding) | 11:00 AM | ||
Talk by SAP | 12:00 PM | |||
Talk by Amazon | 12:15 PM | |||
Tutorial 2: Dissecting, Designing, and Optimizing LSM-based Data Stores (Location: 202A).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Dissecting, Designing, and Optimizing LSM-based Data Stores | Subhadeep Sarkar (Boston University); Manos Athanassoulis (Boston University | 11:00 AM | Recording | |
BiDEDE 3: Keynote 2 and Paper (Location: 201A, Chaired by Yuanli Wang and Simon Paasche).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
NebulaStream: Data Management for the Internet of Things | Volker Markl (Database Systems and Information Management (DIMA) Group, Technische Universität Berlin) | 01:30 PM | ||
Ameliorating Data Compression and Query Performance through Cracked Parquet | Patrick Hansert, Sebastian Michel | 02:30 PM | ||
HILDA 3: Keynote 2 and Session 2 (Location: 201B, Chaired by Azza Abouzied, Dominik Moritz, Mike Cafarella).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
The Evolution of Visualization Tools | Kanit (Ham) Wongsuphasawat | 01:30 PM | ||
Designing the Evaluation of Operator-Enabled Interactive Data Exploration in VALIDE | Yogendra Patil, Sihem Amer-Yahia and Srividya Subramanian | 02:15 PM | ||
Enabling Useful Provenance in Scripting Languages with a Human-in-the-Loop | Yuze Lou and Michael Cafarella | 02:25 PM | ||
Another Way to Implement Complex Computations: Functional-Style SQL UDF | Christian Duta | 02:35 PM | ||
Panel Discussion | 02:45 PM | |||
GRADES-NDA 3: Keynote 2 and Research 2 (Location: 203A, Chaired by Semih Salihoglu and Vasiliki Klavri).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Keynote: Knowledge Graph Semantics | James Hendler (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) | 01:30 PM | ||
Anti-Vertex for Neighborhood Constraints in Subgraph Queries | Kasra Jamshidi, Mugilan Mariappan and Keval Vora | 02:30 PM | ||
DynaGraph: Dynamic Graph Neural Networks at Scale | Mingyu Guan, Anand Iyer and Taesoo Kim | 02:50 PM | ||
Multilayer graphs: A unified data model for graph databases | Renzo Angles, Aidan Hogan, Ora Lassila, Carlos Rojas, Daniel Schwabe, Pedro Szekely and Domagoj Vrgoc | 03:10 PM | ||
DEEM 1: Welcome, Academic Keynote, Data Quality (Location: 203B, Chaired by Doris Xin, Matthias Boehm, Paroma Varma).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Welcome | Matthias Boehm, Paroma Varma, Doris Xin | 01:00 PM | ||
Fairness in Ranking: from values to technical choices and back | Julia Stoyanovich (New York University) | 01:05 PM | ||
How I stopped worrying about training data bugs and started complaining | Lampros Flokas (Columbia University), Weiyuan Wu (Simon Fraser University), Jiannan Wang (Simon Fraser University), Nakul Verma (Columbia University), Eugene Wu (Columbia University) | 02:00 PM | ||
GouDa - Generation of universal Data Sets | Valerie Restat (University of Hagen), Gerrit Boerner (University of Hagen), André Conrad (University of Hagen), Uta Störl (University of Hagen) | 02:20 PM | ||
Towards Data-Centric What-If Analysis for Native Machine Learning Pipelines | Stefan Grafberger (University of Amsterdam), Paul Groth (University of Amsterdam), Sebastian Schelter (University of Amsterdam) | 02:40 PM | ||
Tutorial 3: An Introduction to Federated Computation (Location: 202A).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
An Introduction to Federated Computation | Graham Cormode (University of Warwick); Akash Bharadwaj (Facebook Inc) | 01:30 PM | Recording | |
BiDEDE 4: Paper Session 2 (Location: 201A, Chaired by Patrick Hansert and Simon Paasche).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
The Non-Expert Tax: Quantifying the cost of auto-scaling in Cloud-based data stream analytics | Yuanli Wang, Baiqing Lyu, Vasiliki Kalavri | 03:30 PM | ||
Sensor Fusion on the Edge: Initial Experiments in the EdgeServe System | Ted Shaowang, Xi Liang, Sanjay Krishnan | 03:50 PM | ||
Enhancing data quality and process optimization for smart manufacturing lines in industry 4.0 scenarios | Simon Paasche, Sven Groppe | 04:10 PM | ||
Think Before You Shuffle: Data-Driven Shuffles for Geo-Distributed Analytics | Maruth Goyal, Aditya Akella | 04:30 PM | ||
HILDA 4: Keynote 3 and Session 3 (Location: 201B, Chaired by Azza Abouzied, Dominik Moritz, Mike Cafarella).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Visualization for Deep Learning: An Odyssey | Duen Horng (Polo) Chau | 03:45 PM | ||
HumanAL: Calibrating Human Matching Beyond a Single Task | Roee Shraga | 04:30 PM | ||
Opportunities and risks for engaging research participants with with self-logged menstrual health data at scale | Samantha Robertson, Kim Harley and Niloufar Salehi | 04:40 PM | ||
Flexible and Scalable Annotation Tool to Develop Scene Understanding Datasets | Md Fazle Elahi, Renran Tian and Xiao Luo | 04:50 PM | ||
Towards Causal Query Answering for Debugging Video Analytics Systems | Jin Jin Zhao, Ted Shaowang, Stavros Sintos and Sanjay Krishnan | 05:00 PM | ||
Panel Discussion | 05:10 PM | |||
GRADES-NDA 4: Industry 2, Posters, Demos (Location: 203A, Chaired by Semih Salihoglu and Vasiliki Klavri).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Talk by LinkedIn | 04:30 PM | |||
Talk by RelationalAI | 04:45 PM | |||
Talk by Neo4J | 05:00 PM | |||
Posters and demos | 05:15 PM | |||
DEEM 2: ML Systems and ML Pipelines (Location: 203B, Chaired by Matthias Boehm, Paroma Varma).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Evaluating Model Serving Strategies over Streaming Data | Sonia Horchidan (KTH Stockholm), Emmanouil Kritharakis (Boston University), Vasiliki Kalavri (Boston University), Paris Carbone (KTH Stockholm) | 03:30 PM | ||
LLVM Code Optimisation for Automatic Differentiation | Maximilian E Schüle (TU Munich), Maximilian Springer (TU Munich), Alfons Kemper (TU Munich), Thomas Neumann (TU Munich) | 03:50 PM | ||
Accelerating Container-based Deep Learning Hyperparameter Optimization Workloads | Rui Liu (University of Chicago), David Wong (DocuSign), Dave Lange (DocuSign), Patrik Larsson (DocuSign), Vinay Jethava (DocuSign), Qing Zheng (DocuSign) | 04:10 PM | ||
Minun: Evaluating Counterfactual Explanations for Entity Matching | Jin Wang (Megagon Labs), Yuliang Li (Megagon Labs) | 04:30 PM | ||
Learning-to-learn efficiently with self-learning | Shruti Kunde (TCS Research - Mumbai), Sharod Choudhury (TCS Research - Mumbai), Amey Pandit (TCS Research - Mumbai), Rekha Singhal (TCS Research - Mumbai) | 04:50 PM | ||
dcbench: A Benchmark for Data-Centric AI Systems | Sabri Eyuboglu (Stanford University), Bojan Karlaš (ETH Zurich), Ce Zhang (ETH Zurich), James Zou (Stanford University) | 05:10 PM | ||
Tutorial 4: Responsible Data Integration: Next-generation Challenges (Location: 202A).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Responsible Data Integration: Next-generation Challenges | Fatemeh Nargesian (University of Rochester); Abolfazl Asudeh (University of Illinois at Chicago); H. V. Jagadish (University of Michigan) | 03:30 PM | Recording | |
PODS Reception (Location: Ballroom Prefunction Area). Support for remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). | ||||
PODS Opening / Plenary (Location: Ballroom B, Chaired by Leonid Libkin and Pablo Barcelo).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
PODS opening | Pablo Barcelo and Leonid Libkin | 08:00 AM | Recording | |
Robustness Against Read Committed: a Free Transactional Lunch | Frank Neven (Hasselt University) | 08:10 AM | Recording | |
PODS 1: Streaming (Location: Ballroom A, Chaired by Leonid Libkin and Pablo Barcelo).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
The White-Box Adversarial Data Stream Model | Miklos Ajtai, Vladimir Braverman, T.S. Jayram, Sandeep Silwal, Alec Sun, David P. Woodruff and Samson Zhou | 09:30 AM | ||
Truly Perfect Samplers for Data Streams and Sliding Windows | Rajesh Jayaram, David P. Woodruff and Samson Zhou | 09:50 AM | Recording | |
Estimation of the Size of Union of Delphic Sets: Achieving Independence from Stream Size | Sourav Chakraborty, Kuldeep S. Meel and N. V. Vinodchandran | 10:10 AM | ||
DaMoN 1: Keynote (Location: 201B, Chaired by Spyros Blanas and Norman May).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Keynote presentation | 09:30 AM | |||
PODS 2: Query Evaluation (Location: 201A, Chaired by Cristian Riveros).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
The Complexity of Boolean Conjunctive Queries with Intersection Joins | Mahmoud Abo Khamis, George Chichirim, Antonia Kormpa and Dan Olteanu | 11:00 AM | ||
Query Evaluation by Circuits | Yilei Wang and Ke Yi | 11:20 AM | ||
Query Evaluation over SLP-Represented Document Databases With Complex Document Editing | Markus L. Schmid and Nicole Schweikardt | 11:40 AM | ||
The Complexity of Conjunctive Queries with Degree 2 | Matthias Lanzinger | 12:00 PM | ||
PODS 3 - Awards (Location: 201A, Chaired by Pablo Barcelo).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Worst-case optimal join queries | Hung Ngo (Relational.AI), Ely Porat (Bar-Ilan University), Christopher Re (Stanford University), Atri Rudra (University at Buffalo) | 02:00 PM | ||
Mergeable Summaries | Pankaj K. Agarwal (Duke University), Graham Cormode (University of Warwick), Zengfeng Huang (Fudan University), Jeff M. Phillips (University of Utah), Zhewei Wei (Renmin University of China), Ke Yi (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) | 02:20 PM | ||
Convergence of Datalog over (Pre-) Semirings | Mahmoud Abo Khamis, Hung Q. Ngo, Reinhard Pichler, Dan Suciu and Yisu Remy Wang | 02:40 PM | ||
Optimal Bounds for Approximate Counting | Jelani Nelson and Huacheng Yu | 03:00 PM | ||
PODS 4 - Tutorial & Gems (Location: 201A, Chaired by Atri Rudra).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Algorithms on Trial: Interrogating Evidentiary Statistical Software | Rediet Abebe (UC Berkeley & Harvard Society of Fellows) | 04:00 PM | Recording | |
Algorithmic Techniques for Independent Query Sampling | Yufei Tao (Chinese University of Hong Kong) | 05:10 PM | ||
Document Spanners - A Brief Overview of Concepts, Results, and Recent Developments | Nicole Schweikardt (Humboldt-University Berlin) | 05:35 PM | ||
The Gibbs--Rand Model | Flavio Chierichetti, Ravi Kumar and Silvio Lattanzi | 06:00 PM | ||
DaMoN 2: Accelerators (Location: 201B, Chaired by Spyros Blanas and Norman May).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Accelerators | 11:00 AM | Recording | ||
Remote student meetup 1: Remote student meetup 1 (Location: Online). This session is held in Penn's Gather.town at this link | ||||
Student meetup | 12:30 PM | |||
DaMoN 3: Query Processing (Location: 201B, Chaired by Spyros Blanas and Norman May).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Query Processing | 02:00 PM | Recording | ||
DaMon 4 (Location: 201B, Chaired by Spyros Blanas and Norman May).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
(details TBA) | ||||
Remote student meetup 2: Remote student meetup 2 (Location: Online). This session is held in Penn's Gather.town at this link | ||||
Student meetup | 09:00 AM | |||
SIGMOD Opening (Location: Ballroom A, Chaired by Zachary Ives).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
SIGMOD Keynote 1: Reflections on Programming Methodology (Location: Ballroom A, Chaired by Amr El Abbadi).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Reflections on Programming Methodology | Barbara Liskov | 09:00 AM | Recording | |
PODS 5: Graph Data (Location: 202A, Chaired by Domagoj Vrgoč).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
The Complexity of Regular Trail and Simple Path Queries on Undirected Graphs | Wim Martens and Tina Popp | 11:00 AM | Recording | |
Optimal Algorithms for Multiway Search on Partial Orders | Shangqi Lu, Wim Martens, Matthias Niewerth and Yufei Tao | 11:20 AM | ||
Data Path Queries over Embedded Graph Databases | Diego Figueira, Artur Jez and Anthony Widjaja Lin | 11:40 AM | ||
When is the Evaluation of Extended CRPQ Tractable? | Diego Figueira and Varun Ramanathan | 12:00 PM | ||
SIGMOD Research 1: Transaction Processing (Location: 202B, Chaired by Sudipto Das).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Ad Hoc Transactions in Web Applications: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly | Chuzhe Tang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Zhaoguo Wang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Xiaodong Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Qianmian Yu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Binyu Zang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Haibing Guan(Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Haibo Chen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) | 11:00 AM | Recording | |
Plor: General Transactions with Predictable, Low Tail Latency | Youmin Chen (Tsinghua University); Xiangyao Yu (University of Wisconsin-Madison); Paraschos Koutris (University of Wisconsin-Madison); Andrea Arpaci-Dusseau ( University of Wisconsin-Madison); Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau (University of Wisconsin-Madison); Jiwu Shu (shujw@tsinghua.edu.cn) | 11:18 AM | Recording | |
Skeena: Efficient and Consistent Cross-Engine Transactions | Jianqiu Zhang (Simon Fraser University); Kaisong Huang (Simon Fraser University); Tianzheng Wang (Simon Fraser University); King Lv (Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.) | 11:36 AM | Recording | |
Diva: Making MVCC Systems HTAP-Friendly | Jongbin Kim (Hanyang University); Jaeseon Yu (Hanyang University); Jaechan Ahn (Hanyang University); Sooyong Kang (Hanyang University); Hyungsoo Jung (Hanyang University) | 11:54 AM | Recording | |
Hybrid Deterministic and Nondeterministic Execution of Transactions in Actor Systems | Yijian Liu (University of Copenhagen); Li Su (Alibaba Group); Vivek Shah (Independent Researcher); Yongluan Zhou (University of Copenhagen); Marcos Antonio Vaz Salles (University of Copenhagen (DIKU)) | 12:12 PM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Research 2: Query Processing and Optimization (Location: 203B, Chaired by Dixin Tang).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Optimizing Recursive Queries with Program Synthesis | Yisu R Wang (University of Washington); Mahmoud Abo Khamis (RelationalAI); Hung Ngo (RelationalAI); Reinhard Pichler (TU Wien); Dan Suciu (University of Washington) | 11:00 AM | Recording | |
WeTune: Automatic Discovery and Verification of Query Rewrite Rules | Zhaoguo Wang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Zhou Zhou (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Yicun Yang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Haoran Ding (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Gansen Hu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Ding Ding (New York University); Chuzhe Tang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Haibo Chen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Jinyang Li (New York University) | 11:18 AM | Recording | |
Conjunctive Queries with Comparisons | Qichen Wang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology); Ke Yi (Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology) | 11:36 AM | Recording | |
Efficient Massively Parallel Join Optimization for Large Queries | Riccardo Mancini (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna); Srinivas Karthik Venkatesh (EPFL); Bikash Chandra (EPFL); Vasilis Mageirakos (University of Patras); Anastasia Ailamaki (EPFL) | 11:54 AM | Recording | |
Efficient Incrementialization of Correlated Nested Aggregate Queries using Relative Partial Aggregate Indexes (RPAI) | Supun Madusha Bandara Abeysinghe Tennakoon Mudiyanselage (Purdue University); Qiyang He (Purdue University); Tiark Rompf (Purdue University) | 12:12 PM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Research 3: ML for Data Management 1 (Location: 204A, Chaired by Çağatay Demiralp).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Serenade - Low-Latency Session-Based Recommendation in e-Commerce at Scale | Barrie Kersbergen (bol.com); Olivier Sprangers (University of Amsterdam); Sebastian Schelter (University of Amsterdam) | 11:00 AM | Recording | |
Neural Subgraph Counting with Wasserstein Estimator | Hanchen Wang (University Of Technology Sydney); Rong Hu (University of Technology Sydney); Ying Zhang (University of Technology Sydney); Lu Qin (UTS); Wei Wang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)); Wenjie Zhang (University of New South Wales) | 11:18 AM | Recording | |
Statistical Schema Learning with Occam's Razor | Daniel Ting (Tableau Software); Justin Talbot (Databricks) | 11:36 AM | Recording | |
DB-BERT: A Database Tuning Tool that "Reads the Manual" | Immanuel Trummer (Cornell) | 11:54 AM | Recording | |
PreQR: Pre-training Representation for SQL Understanding | Xiu Tang (Zhejiang University); Sai Wu (Zhejiang Univ); Mingli Song (Zhejiang University); Shanshan Ying (Alibaba); Feifei Li (Alibaba Group); Gang Chen (Zhejiang University) | 12:12 PM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Demos 1: Demonstration (Location: 204B). Support for remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). | ||||
Sevi: Speech-to-Visualization through Neural Machine Translation | Jiawei Tang (ASD); Yuyu Luo (Tsinghua University); Mourad OUZZANI (Qatar Computing Research Institute, HBKU); Guoliang Li (Tsinghua University); Hongyang Chen (Zhejiang Lab) | 11:00 AM | Recording | |
Demonstration of PI2: Interactive Visualization Interface Generation for SQL analysis in Notebook | Jeffrey Tao (Columbia University); Yiru Chen (Columbia University); Eugene Wu (Columbia University) | 11:00 AM | ||
SubTab: Data Exploration with Informative Sub-Tables | Kathy Razmadze (Tel Aviv University); Yael Amsterdamer (Bar-Ilan university ); Amit Somech (Bar-Ilan University); Susan B Davidson (University of Pennsylvania); Tova Milo (Tel Aviv University) | 11:00 AM | Recording | |
Simplifying Access to Large-scale Structured Datasets by Meta-Profiling with Scalable Training Set Enrichment | Sophie Pavia (FSU); Rituparna Khan (FSU); Anna Pyayt (USF); Michael Gubanov (Florida State University) | 11:00 AM | Recording | |
Snakes on a Plan: Compiling Python Functions into Plain SQL Queries | Tim Fischer (Universität Tübingen); Denis Hirn (Universität Tübingen); Torsten Grust (Universität Tübingen) | 11:00 AM | Recording | |
CFDB: Machine Learning Model Analysis via Databases of CounterFactuals | Idan Meyuhas (Tel Aviv University); Aviv Ben Arie (Intuit); Yair Horesh (Intuit); Daniel Deutch (Tel Aviv University) | 11:00 AM | Recording | |
Pythia: Unsupervised Generation of Ambiguous Textual Claims from Relational Data | Enzo Veltri (Università della Basilicata); Donatello Santoro (Università della Basilicata); Gilbert Badaro (EURECOM); Mohammed Saeed (Eurecom); Paolo Papotti (Eurecom) | 11:00 AM | Recording | |
Compactionary: A Dictionary for LSM Compactions | Subhadeep Sarkar (Boston University); Kaijie Chen (Boston University); Zichen Zhu (Boston University); Manos Athanassoulis (Boston University) | 11:00 AM | Recording | |
Generating Interpretable Data-Based Explanations for Fairness Debugging using Gopher | Jiongli Zhu (University of California San Diego); Romila Pradhan (Purdue University); Boris Glavic (Illinois Institute of Technology); Babak Salimi (University of California at San Diego) | 11:00 AM | Recording | |
Student Research Competition Poster Judging (Location: 203A + Zoom).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Lunch + awards announcements (Location: 201ABC, Chaired by Divyakant Agrawal).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Lunch + awards announcements | Divyakant Agarwal | 12:30 AM | Recording | |
PODS 6: Privacy and Embeddings (Location: 202A, Chaired by Xiao Hu).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
A Nearly Instance-optimal Differentially Private Mechanism for Conjunctive Queries | Wei Dong and Ke Yi | 02:00 PM | Recording | |
High Dimensional Differentially Private Stochastic Optimization with Heavy-tailed Data | Lijie Hu, Shuo Ni, Hanshen Xiao and Di Wang | 02:20 PM | ||
Randomize the Future: Asymptotically Optimal Locally Private Frequency Estimation Protocol for Longitudinal Data | Olga Ohrimenko, Anthony Wirth and Hao Wu | 02:40 PM | ||
Lower Bounds for Sparse Oblivious Subspace Embeddings | Yi Li and Mingmou Liu | 03:00 PM | ||
SIGMOD Research 4: Responsible Data Management and Fairness (Location: 202B, Chaired by Julia Stoyanovich).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
DataPrism: Exposing Disconnect between Data and Systems | Sainyam Galhotra (University of Chicago); Anna Fariha (Microsoft); Raoni Lourenço (New York University); Juliana Freire (New York University); Alexandra Meliou (University of Massachusetts Amherst); Divesh Srivastava (AT&T Chief Data Office) | 02:00 PM | Recording | |
Through the Data Management Lens: Experimental Analysis and Evaluation of Fair Classification | Maliha Tashfia Islam (University of Massachusetts Amherst); Anna Fariha (Microsoft); Alexandra Meliou (University of Massachusetts Amherst); Babak Salimi (University of California at San Diego) | 02:18 PM | Recording | |
Interpretable Data-Based Explanations for Fairness Debugging | Romila Pradhan (University of California San Diego); Jiongli Zhu (University of California San Diego); Boris Glavic (Illinois Institute of Technology); Babak Salimi (University of California at San Diego) | 02:36 PM | Recording | |
Rank Aggregation with Proportionate Fairness | Dong Wei (NJIT); Md Mouinul Islam (New Jersey Institute of Technology ); Baruch Schieber (New Jersey Institute of Technology); Senjuti Basu Roy (NJIT) | 02:54 PM | Recording | |
Causal Feature Selection for Algorithmic Fairness | Sainyam Galhotra (University of Chicago); Karthikeyan Shanmugam (IBM Research NY); Prasanna Sattigeri (IBM Research); Kush R Varshney (IBM Research) | 03:12 PM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Panel 1: The DB Community vis-a-vis Environmental, Health, and Societal Grand Challenges: Innovation Engine, Plumber, or Bystander? (Location: 203B, Chaired by Magdalena Balazinska).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
The DB Community vis-a-vis Environmental, Health, and Societal Grand Challenges: Innovation Engine, Plumber, or Bystander? | Anastasia Ailamaki (EPFL), Leilani Battle (U Washington), Johannes Gehrke (Microsoft Research), David Maier (Portland State University), Christopher Re (Stanford), Meihui Zhang (Beijing Institute of Technology). Organized by Magdalena Balazinska. | 02:00 PM | ||
SIGMOD Research 5: Streaming and Sensor Networks 1 (Location: 204A, Chaired by Paris Carbone).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
TSUBASA: Climate Network Construction on Historical and Real-Time Data | Yunlong Xu (University of Rochester); Jinshu Liu (University of Rochester); Fatemeh Nargesian (University of Rochester) | 02:00 PM | Recording | |
DenForest: Enabling the Fast Deletion in Incremental Density-Based Clustering over Sliding Windows | Bogyeong Kim (Seoul National University); Kyoseung Koo (Seoul National University); Undraa Enkhbat (Seoul National University); Bongki Moon (Seoul National University) | 02:18 PM | Recording | |
AutoMon: Automatic Distributed Monitoring for Arbitrary Multivariate Functions | Hadar Sivan (Technion); Moshe Gabel (University of Toronto ); Assaf Schuster (Technion) | 02:36 PM | Recording | |
GraphZeppelin: Storage-Friendly Sketching for Connected Components on Dynamic Graph Streams | David Tench (Stony Brook University); Tyler Seip (MongoDB); Martin Farach-Colton (Rutgers University); Michael A Bender (Stony Brook); Abiyaz Chowdhury (Stony Brook University); Evan T West (Stony Brook University); Victor Zhang (Rutgers University); Kenny Zhang (Stony Brook University); J. Ahmed Dellas (Rutgers University) | 02:54 PM | Recording | |
DLACEP: A Deep-Learning Based Framework for Approximate Complex Event Processing | Adar Amir (Technion); Ilya Kolchinsky (Technion); Assaf Schuster (Technion) | 03:12 PM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Demos 2: Demonstration (Location: 204B). Support for remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). | ||||
Sevi: Speech-to-Visualization through Neural Machine Translation | Jiawei Tang (ASD); Yuyu Luo (Tsinghua University); Mourad OUZZANI (Qatar Computing Research Institute, HBKU); Guoliang Li (Tsinghua University); Hongyang Chen (Zhejiang Lab) | 02:00 PM | Recording | |
Mondrian: Spreadsheet Layout Detection | Gerardo Vitagliano (Hasso Plattner Institute); Lucas Reisener (Hasso Plattner Institute); Lan Jiang (Hasso Plattner Institute); Mazhar Hameed (Hasso Plattner Institute); Felix Naumann (Hasso Plattner Institute) | 02:00 PM | ||
SubTab: Data Exploration with Informative Sub-Tables | Kathy Razmadze (Tel Aviv University); Yael Amsterdamer (Bar-Ilan university ); Amit Somech (Bar-Ilan University); Susan B Davidson (University of Pennsylvania); Tova Milo (Tel Aviv University) | 02:00 PM | Recording | |
ShapGraph: An Holistic View of Explanations through Provenance Graphs and Shapley Values | Susan B Davidson (University of Pennsylvania); Daniel Deutch (Tel Aviv University); Nave Frost (Tel-Aviv University); Benny Kimelfeld (Technion); Omer Koren (Tel Aviv University); Mikaël Monet (Millenium Instititute for Foundational Research on Data) | 02:00 PM | Recording | |
Snakes on a Plan: Compiling Python Functions into Plain SQL Queries | Tim Fischer (Universität Tübingen); Denis Hirn (Universität Tübingen); Torsten Grust (Universität Tübingen) | 02:00 PM | Recording | |
Demonstrating ASET: Ad-hoc Structured Exploration of Text Collections | Benjamin Hättasch (TU Darmstadt); Jan-Micha Rainer Bodensohn (Technische Universität Darmstadt); Carsten Binnig (TU Darmstadt) | 02:00 PM | Recording | |
Pythia: Unsupervised Generation of Ambiguous Textual Claims from Relational Data | Enzo Veltri (Università della Basilicata); Donatello Santoro (Università della Basilicata); Gilbert Badaro (EURECOM); Mohammed Saeed (Eurecom); Paolo Papotti (Eurecom) | 02:00 PM | Recording | |
Demonstration of VegaPlus: Optimizing Declarative Visualization Languages | Junran Yang (University of Washington); Hyekang Joo (University of Maryland, College Park); Sai Yerramreddy (University of Maryland); Siyao Li (University of Maryland ); Dominik Moritz (Carnegie Mellon University); Leilani Battle (University of Washington) | 02:00 PM | Recording | |
Generating Interpretable Data-Based Explanations for Fairness Debugging using Gopher | Jiongli Zhu (University of California San Diego); Romila Pradhan (Purdue University); Boris Glavic (Illinois Institute of Technology); Babak Salimi (University of California at San Diego) | 02:00 PM | Recording | |
Demonstrating DB-BERT: A Database Tuning Tool that "Reads the Manual" | Immanuel Trummer (Cornell) | 02:00 PM | Recording | |
PODS 7 and Tutorial (Location: 202A, Chaired by Rajesh Jayaram).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Towards Theory for Real-World Data | Wim Martens (Bayreuth University) | 04:00 PM | Recording | |
Efficiently Enumerating Answers to Ontology-Mediated Queries | Carsten Lutz and Marcin Przybyłko | 05:10 PM | ||
Efficient Enumeration for Annotated Grammars | Antoine Amarilli, Louis Jachiet, Martín Muñoz and Cristian Riveros | 05:30 PM | ||
Linear-Delay Enumeration for Minimal Steiner Problems | Kazuhiro Kurita, Yasuaki Kobayashi and Kunihiro Wasa | 05:50 PM | ||
Approximately Counting Answers to Conjunctive Queries with Disequalities and Negations | Jacob Focke, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Marc Roth and Stanislav Živný | 06:10 PM | ||
SIGMOD Research 6: Data Cleaning and Integration (Location: 202B, Chaired by Michael Gubanov).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Understanding Queries by Conditional Instances | Amir Gilad (Duke University); Zhengjie Miao (Duke University); Sudeepa Roy (Duke University, USA); Jun Yang (Duke University) | 04:00 PM | Recording | |
Complaint-Driven Training Data Debugging at Interactive Speeds | Lampros Flokas (Columbia University); Weiyuan Wu (Simon Fraser University); Yejia Liu (Simon Fraser University); Jiannan Wang (Simon Fraser University); Nakul Verma (Columbia University); Eugene Wu (Columbia University) | 04:18 PM | Recording | |
Parallel Rule Discovery from Large Datasets by Sampling | Wenfei Fan (Univ. of Edinburgh ); Ziyan Han (Beihang University); Yaoshu Wang (Shenzhen Institute of Computing Sciences, Shenzhen University); Min Xie (Shenzhen Institute of Computing Sciences ) | 04:36 PM | Recording | |
Reptile: Aggregation-level Explanations for Hierarchical Data | Zezhou Huang (Columbia University); Eugene Wu (Columbia University) | 04:54 PM | Recording | |
Hierarchical Entity Resolution using an Oracle | Sainyam Galhotra (University of Chicago); Donatella Firmani (Roma Tre University); Barna Saha (University of California, San Diego); Divesh Srivastava (AT&T Chief Data Office) | 05:12 PM | Recording | |
Entity Resolution with Hierarchical Graph Attention Networks | Dezhong Yao (Huazhong University of Science and Technology); Yuhong Gu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology); Gao Cong (Nanyang Technological Univesity); Hai Jin (Huazhong University of Science and Technology); Xinqiao Lv (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) | 05:30 PM | Recording | |
Domain Adaptation for Deep Entity Resolution: A Design Space Exploration | Jianhong Tu (Renmin University of China); Ju Fan (Renmin University of China); Nan Tang (Qatar Computing Research Institute, HBKU); Peng Wang (Renmin University of China); Chengliang Chai (Tsinghua University); Guoliang Li (Tsinghua University); Ruixue Fan (Renmin University of China); Xiaoyong Du (Renmin University of China) | 05:48 PM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Research 7: Data Management for ML 1 (Location: 203B, Chaired by Yao Lu).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Compact Walks: Taming Knowledge-Graph Embeddings with Domain- and Task-Specific Pathways | Pei-Yu Hou (NCSU); Daniel Korn (UNC Chapel Hill); Cleber Melo-Filho (UNC Chapel Hill); David Wright (NCSU); Alexander Tropsha (UNC); Rada Chirkova (NC State University) | 04:00 PM | Recording | |
HET-GMP: A Graph-based System Approach to Scaling Large Embedding Model Training | Xupeng Miao (Peking University); Yining Shi (Peking University); Hailin Zhang (Peking University); Xin Zhang (Peking University); Xiaonan Nie (Peking University); Zhi Yang (Peking University); Bin Cui (Peking University) | 04:18 PM | Recording | |
NuPS: A Parameter Server for Machine Learning with Non-Uniform Parameter Access | Alexander Renz-Wieland (Technische Universität Berlin); Rainer Gemulla (Universität Mannheim); Zoi Kaoudi (TU Berlin); Volker Markl (Technische Universität Berlin) | 04:36 PM | Recording | |
Finding Label and Model Errors in Perception Data With Learned Observation Assertions | Daniel Kang (Stanford University); Nikos Arechiga (Toyota Research Institute); Sudeep Pillai (TRI); Peter D Bailis (Stanford University); Matei Zaharia (Stanford and Databricks) | 04:54 PM | Recording | |
Nautilus: An Optimized System for Deep Transfer Learning over Evolving Training Datasets | Supun C Nakandala (University of California, San Diego); Arun Kumar (University of California, San Diego) | 05:12 PM | Recording | |
SPINE: Scaling up Programming-by-Negative-Example for Text Wrangling | Chaoji Zuo (Rutgers University); Sepehr Assadi (-); Dong Deng (Rutgers Universituy - New Brunswick) | 05:30 PM | Recording | |
One Size Does Not Fit All: A Bandit-Based Sampler Combination Framework with Theoretical Guarantees | Jinglin Peng (Simon Fraser University); Bolin Ding ("Data Analytics and Intelligence Lab, Alibaba Group"); Jiannan Wang (Simon Fraser University); Kai Zeng (Alibaba Group); Jingren Zhou (Alibaba Group) | 05:48 PM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Industry 1: Industrial Session 1 (Location: 204A, Chaired by Fatma Ozcan).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Scaling Equi-Joins | Metwally, Ahmed H | 04:00 PM | Recording | |
Saga: A Platform for Continuous Construction and Serving of Knowledge at Scale | Ilyas, Ihab F; Rekatsinas, Theodoros; Konda, Vishnu; Pound, Jeffrey; Qi, Xiaoguang; Soliman, Mohamed | 04:18 PM | Recording | |
Photon: A Fast Query Engine for Lakehouse Systems | Alexander Behm, Shoumik Palkar, Utkarsh Agarwal, Tim Armstrong, David Cashman, Ankur Dave, Todd Greenstein, Shant Hovsepian, Ryan Johnson, Arvind Sai Krishnan, Paul Leventis, Ala Luszczak, Prashanth Menon, Mostafa Mokhtar, Gene Pang, Sameer Paranjpye, Greg Rahn, Bart Samwel, Tom van Bussel, Herman van Hovell, Maryann Xue, Reynold Xin, Matei Zaharia | 04:36 PM | Recording | |
Amazon Redshift Re-invented | Nikos Armenatzoglou, Sanuj Basu, Naga Bhanoori, Mengchu Cai, Naresh Chainani, Kiran Chinta, Venkatraman Govindaraju, Todd J. Green, Monish Gupta, Sebastian Hillig, Eric Hotinger, Yan Leshinksy, Jintian Liang, Michael McCreedy, Fabian Nagel, Ippokratis Pandis, Panos Parchas, Rahul Pathak, Orestis Polychroniou, Foyzur Rahman, Gaurav Saxena, Gokul Soundararajan, Sriram Subramanian, Doug Terry | 04:54 PM | Recording | |
LedgerView: Access-Control Views on Hyperledger Fabric | Ruan, Pingcheng; Kanza, Yaron; Ooi, Beng Chin; Srivastava, Divesh | 05:12 PM | Recording | |
Remus: Efficient Live Migration for Distributed Databases with Snapshot Isolation | Kang, Junbin; Cai, Le; Li, Feifei; Zhou, Xingxuan; Cao, Wei; Cai, Songlu; Shao, Daming | 05:30 PM | Recording | |
Graph Pattern Matching in GQL and SQL/PGQ | Alin Deutsch, Nadime Francis, Alastair Green, Keith Hare, Bei Li, Leonid Libkin, Tobias Lindaaker, Victor Marsault, Wim Martens, Jan Michels, Filip Murlak, Stefan Plantikow, Petra Selmer, Oskar van Rest, Hannes Voigt, Domagoj Vrgoc, Mingxi Wu, Fred Zemke | 05:48 PM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Demos 3: Demonstration (Location: 204B). Support for remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). | ||||
Mondrian: Spreadsheet Layout Detection | Gerardo Vitagliano (Hasso Plattner Institute); Lucas Reisener (Hasso Plattner Institute); Lan Jiang (Hasso Plattner Institute); Mazhar Hameed (Hasso Plattner Institute); Felix Naumann (Hasso Plattner Institute) | 04:00 PM | ||
Demonstration of PI2: Interactive Visualization Interface Generation for SQL analysis in Notebook | Jeffrey Tao (Columbia University); Yiru Chen (Columbia University); Eugene Wu (Columbia University) | 04:00 PM | ||
ShapGraph: An Holistic View of Explanations through Provenance Graphs and Shapley Values | Susan B Davidson (University of Pennsylvania); Daniel Deutch (Tel Aviv University); Nave Frost (Tel-Aviv University); Benny Kimelfeld (Technion); Omer Koren (Tel Aviv University); Mikaël Monet (Millenium Instititute for Foundational Research on Data) | 04:00 PM | Recording | |
Simplifying Access to Large-scale Structured Datasets by Meta-Profiling with Scalable Training Set Enrichment | Sophie Pavia (FSU); Rituparna Khan (FSU); Anna Pyayt (USF); Michael Gubanov (Florida State University) | 04:00 PM | Recording | |
Demonstrating ASET: Ad-hoc Structured Exploration of Text Collections | Benjamin Hättasch (TU Darmstadt); Jan-Micha Rainer Bodensohn (Technische Universität Darmstadt); Carsten Binnig (TU Darmstadt) | 04:00 PM | Recording | |
CFDB: Machine Learning Model Analysis via Databases of CounterFactuals | Idan Meyuhas (Tel Aviv University); Aviv Ben Arie (Intuit); Yair Horesh (Intuit); Daniel Deutch (Tel Aviv University) | 04:00 PM | Recording | |
Demonstration of VegaPlus: Optimizing Declarative Visualization Languages | Junran Yang (University of Washington); Hyekang Joo (University of Maryland, College Park); Sai Yerramreddy (University of Maryland); Siyao Li (University of Maryland ); Dominik Moritz (Carnegie Mellon University); Leilani Battle (University of Washington) | 04:00 PM | Recording | |
Compactionary: A Dictionary for LSM Compactions | Subhadeep Sarkar (Boston University); Kaijie Chen (Boston University); Zichen Zhu (Boston University); Manos Athanassoulis (Boston University) | 04:00 PM | Recording | |
Demonstrating DB-BERT: A Database Tuning Tool that "Reads the Manual" | Immanuel Trummer (Cornell) | 04:00 PM | Recording | |
SIGMOD New Researcher Symposium (Location: Ballroom A).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
SIGMOD New Researcher Symposium | 06:30 PM | |||
Remote Sponsors (Location: Online, Chaired by Yongxin Tong).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
(details TBA) | ||||
Remote Sponsors 2 (Location: Online, Chaired by Yongxin Tong).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
(details TBA) | ||||
Remote student meetup 3: Remote student meetup 3 (Location: Online). This session is held in Penn's Gather.town at this link | ||||
Student meetup | 08:30 AM | |||
SIGMOD Keynote 2: On a Quest for Combating Filter Bubbles and Misinformation (Location: Ballroom A, Chaired by Zachary Ives).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
On a Quest for Combating Filter Bubbles and Misinformation | Laks V.S. Lakshmanan | 08:00 AM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Diversity & Inclusion Keynote (Location: Ballroom A, Chaired by Fatma Özcan).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Strategies for Creating Inclusive Learning Environments | Colleen Lewis (U Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) | 09:30 AM | Recording | |
PODS 8: Query Processing (Location: 202A, Chaired by Nicole Schweikardt).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Fast Parallel Hypertree Decompositions in Logarithmic Recursion Depth | Georg Gottlob, Matthias Lanzinger, Cem Okulmus and Reinhard Pichler | 11:00 AM | Recording | |
On the Parameterized Complexity of Learning First-Order Logic | Steffen van Bergerem, Martin Grohe and Martin Ritzert | 11:20 AM | ||
Determinacy of Real Conjunctive Queries. The Boolean Case | Jarosław Kwiecień, Jerzy Marcinkowski and Piotr Ostropolski-Nalewaja | 11:40 AM | ||
A Journey to the Frontiers of Query Rewritability | Piotr Ostropolski-Nalewaja, Jerzy Marcinkowski, David Carral and Sebastian Rudolph | 12:00 PM | ||
SIGMOD Research 8: Query Processing and Data Management for ML (Location: 202B, Chaired by Erkang Zhu).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Zeus: Efficiently Localizing Actions in Videos using Reinforcement Learning | Pramod Chunduri (Georgia Institute of Technology); Jaeho Bang (Georgia Institute of Technology); Yao Lu (Microsoft Research); Joy Arulraj (Georgia Tech) | 11:00 AM | Recording | |
FiGO: Fine-Grained Query Optimization in Video Analytics | Jiashen Cao (Georgia Tech); Karan Sarkar (Georgia Institute of Technology); Ramyad Hadidi (Georiga Tech); Joy Arulraj (Georgia Tech); Hyesoon Kim (Georgia Tech) | 11:18 AM | Recording | |
Redundancy Elimination in Distributed Matrix Computation | Zihao Chen (East China Normal University); Baokun Han (East China Normal University); Chen Xu (East China Normal University); Weining Qian (East China Normal University); Aoying Zhou (East China Normal University ) | 11:36 AM | Recording | |
End-to-end Optimization of Machine Learning Prediction Queries | Kwanghyun Park (Microsoft); Karla Saur (Microsoft); Dalitso Banda (Microsoft); Rathijit Sen (Microsoft); Matteo Interlandi (Microsoft); Konstantinos Karanasos (Microsoft) | 11:54 AM | Recording | |
EVA: A Symbolic Approach to Accelerating Exploratory Video Analytics with Materialized Views | Zhuangdi Xu (Georgia Tech); Gaurav Tarlok Kakkar (Georgia Institute of Technology); Joy Arulraj (Georgia Tech); Umakishore Ramachandran (Georgia Institute of Technology) | 12:12 PM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Research 9: Database Monitoring and Tuning (Location: 203A, Chaired by Ahmed Metwally).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Tastes Great! Less Filling! High Performance and Accurate Training Data Collection for Self-Driving Database Management Systems | Matthew Butrovich (Carnegie Mellon University); Wan Shen Lim (Carnegie Mellon University); Lin Ma (Carnegie Mellon University); John Rollinson (Army Cyber Institute); William Zhang (Carnegie Mellon University); Yu Xia (MIT); Andrew Pavlo (Carnegie Mellon University) | 11:00 AM | Recording | |
Towards Dynamic and Safe Configuration Tuning for Cloud Databases | Xinyi Zhang (Peking University); HONG WU (Alibaba); Yang Li (Peking University); Jian Tan (Alibaba); Feifei Li (Alibaba Group); Bin Cui (Peking University) | 11:18 AM | Recording | |
HUNTER: An Online Cloud Database Hybrid Tuning System for Personalized Requirements | Baoqing Cai (Huazhong University of Science and Technology); Yu Liu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology); Ce Zhang (ETH); Guangyu Zhang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology); Ke Zhou (Huazhong University of Science and Technology); Li Liu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology); Chunhua Li (Huazhong University of Science and Technology); Bin Cheng (Tencent); Jie Yang (Tencent); Jiashu Xing (tencent) | 11:36 AM | Recording | |
ISUM: Efficiently Compressing Large and Complex Workloads for Scalable Index Tuning | Tarique Siddiqui (Microsoft Research); Saehan Jo (Cornell University); Wentao Wu (Microsoft Research); Chi Wang (Microsoft Research); Vivek Narasayya (Microsoft); Surajit Chaudhuri (Microsoft) | 11:54 AM | Recording | |
LOCAT: Low-Overhead Online Configuration Auto-Tuning of Spark SQL Applications | Jinhan Xin (Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology , CAS); Kai Hwang (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen); Zhibin Yu (Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Science) | 12:12 PM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Research 10: Distributed and Parallel Databases (Location: 203B, Chaired by Mohammad Javad Amiri).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
ScaleStore: A Fast and Cost-Efficient Storage Engine using DRAM, NVMe, and RDMA | Tobias Ziegler (TU Darmstadt); Carsten Binnig (TU Darmstadt); Viktor Leis (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) | 11:00 AM | Recording | |
Proteus: Adaptive Storage for Hybrid Database Workloads | Michael Abebe (University of Waterloo); Horatiu Lazu (University of Waterloo); Khuzaima Daudjee (University of Waterloo) | 11:18 AM | Recording | |
Natto: Using Network Measurements to Provide Distributed Transaction Prioritization | Linguan Yang (University of Waterloo); Xinan Yan (University of Waterloo); Bernard Wong (University of Waterloo) | 11:36 AM | Recording | |
Confidence Bounded Replica Currency Estimation | Yu Sun (Tsinghua University); Zheng Zheng (McMaster University); Shaoxu Song (Tsinghua University); Fei Chiang (McMaster University) | 11:54 AM | Recording | |
MinMax Sampling: A Near-optimal Global Summary for Aggregation in the Wide Area | Yikai Zhao (Peking University); Yinda Zhang (Peking University); Yuanpeng Li (Peking University); Yi Zhou (Peking University); Chunhui Chen (Peking Univeristy); Tong Yang (Peking University); Bin Cui (Peking University) | 12:12 PM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Research 11: Database Security, Privacy and Control (Location: 204A, Chaired by Graham Cormode).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
R2T: Instance-optimal Truncation for Differentially Private Query Evaluation with Foreign Keys | Wei DONG (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong); Juanru FANG (HKUST); Ke Yi (Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology); Yuchao Tao (Duke University); Ashwin Machanavajjhala (Duke) | 11:00 AM | Recording | |
Network Shuffling: Privacy Amplification via Random Walks | Seng Pei Liew (LINE Corporation); Tsubasa Takahashi (LINE Corporation); Shun Takagi (Kyoto University); Fumiyuki Kato (Kyoto University); Yang Cao (Kyoto University); Masatoshi Yoshikawa (Kyoto University) | 11:18 AM | Recording | |
Unsupervised Contextual Anomaly Detection for Database Systems | Sainan Li (Tsinghua University); Qilei Yin (Tsinghua University); Guoliang Li (Tsinghua University); Qi Li (Tsinghua University); Zhuotao Liu (Tsinghua University); jinwei zhu (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.) | 11:36 AM | Recording | |
Towards Practical Oblivious Join | Zhao Chang (Xidian University); Dong Xie (Penn State University); Sheng Wang (Alibaba Group); Feifei Li (Alibaba Group) | 11:54 AM | Recording | |
IncShrink: Architecting Efficient Outsourced Databases using Incremental MPC and Differential Privacy | Chenghong Wang (Duke University); Johes Bater (Duke University); Kartik Nayak (DUKE UNIVERSITY); Ashwin Machanavajjhala (Duke) | 12:12 PM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Demos 4: Demonstration (Location: Online).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Sevi: Speech-to-Visualization through Neural Machine Translation | Jiawei Tang (ASD); Yuyu Luo (Tsinghua University); Mourad OUZZANI (Qatar Computing Research Institute, HBKU); Guoliang Li (Tsinghua University); Hongyang Chen (Zhejiang Lab) | 11:00 AM | Recording | |
Everest: A Top-K Deep Video Analytics System | Ziliang Lai (Chinese University of Hong Kong); Chris Liu (Chinese University of Hong Kong); Chenxia Han (Chinese University of Hong Kong); Pengfei Zhang (Chinese University of Hong Kong); Eric CL Lo (Chinese University of Hong Kong); Ben Kao (University of Hong Kong) | 11:00 AM | Recording | |
PLAYPEN: Plug-and-Play Visual Graph Query Interfaces for Top-down and Bottom-Up Search on Large Networks | Zifeng Yuan (NTU); Huey Eng CHUA (Nanyang Technological University); Sourav S Bhowmick (Nanyang Technological University); Zekun Ye (Fudan University); Byron Choi (Hong Kong Baptist University); Wook-Shin Han (POSTECH) | 11:00 AM | Recording | |
VoiceQuerySystem: A Voice-driven Database Querying System Using Natural Language Questions | Yuanfeng Song (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology); Raymond Chi-Wing Wong (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology); Xuefang Zhao (WeBank Co., Ltd); Di Jiang (WeBank) | 11:00 AM | Recording | |
Efficient Insights Discovery through Conditional Generative Model based Query Approximation | Vibhor Porwal (Adobe Research); Subrata Mitra (Adobe); Fan Du (Adobe Research); John Anderson (Adobe); Nikhil Sheoran (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Anup Rao (Adobe Research); Tung Mai (Adobe Research); Gautam Kowshik (Adobe); Sapthotharan Nair (Adobe); Sameeksha Arora (Adobe); Saurabh Mahapatra (Adobe) | 11:00 AM | Recording | |
OpenTFV: An Open Domain Table-Based Fact Verification System | Zihui Gu (Renmin University of China); Ruixue Fan (Renmin University of China); Xiaoman Zhao (Renmin University of China); Meihui Zhang (Beijing Institute of Technology); Ju Fan (Renmin University of China); Xiaoyong Du (Renmin University of China) | 11:00 AM | Recording | |
LANTERN: Boredom-conscious Natural Language Description Generation of Query Execution Plans for Database Education | Peng Chen (Xidian University); Hui Li (Xidian University); Sourav S Bhowmick (Nanyang Technological University); Shafiq Joty (Nanyang Technological University); Weiguo Wang (Xidian University) | 11:00 AM | Recording | |
GHive: A Demonstration of GPU-Accelerated Query Processing in Apache Hive | Haotian Liu (Southern University of Science and Technology); Bo Tang (Southern University of Science and Technology); Jiashu Zhang (Southern University of Science and Technology); Deng Yangshen (SUSTech); Xinying Zheng (Sourthern University of Science and Technology); qiaomu Shen (HKUST); Xiao Yan (Southern University of Science and Technology); Dan Zeng (Southern University of Science and Technology); Zunyao Mao (Southern University of Science and Technology); Chaozu Zhang (Southern University of Science and Technology); Zhengxin You (Southern University of Science and Technology); Zhihao Wang (Sustech DBGroup); Jiang Runzhe (Southern University of Science and Technology); Fang Wang (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University); Man Lung Yiu (Hong Kong Polytechnic University); Huan Li (Aalborg University); Mingji Han (UMass Amherst); Qian Li (Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.); Zhenghai Luo (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.) | 11:00 AM | Recording | |
DeepO: A Learned Query Optimizer | Luming Sun (Renmin University of China); Tao Ji (Renmin University of China); Cuiping Li (Renmin University of China); Hong Chen (" Renmin University, China") | 11:00 AM | Recording | |
Lunch + SIGMOD Business Meeting (Location: 201ABC, Chaired by Divyakant Agrawal).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Lunch + SIGMOD Business Meeting | Divyakant Agarwal, Fatma Ozcan, Rachel Pottinger, Angela Bonifati, Amr El Abbadi, Sudipto Das, Ippoktratis Pandis | 12:30 AM | Recording | |
DnI Resume Review Workshop (Location: Online, Chaired by Viktor Zakhary).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
(details TBA) | ||||
PODS 9: Uncertainty and Incompleteness (Location: 202A, Chaired by Frank Neven).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Non-Uniformly Terminating Chase: Size and Complexity | Marco Calautti, Georg Gottlob and Andreas Pieris | 02:00 PM | Recording | |
LACE: A Logical Approach to Collective Entity Resolution | Meghyn Bienvenu, Gianluca Cima and Víctor Gutiérrez-Basulto | 02:20 PM | ||
Uniform Operational Consistent Query Answering | Marco Calautti, Ester Livshits, Andreas Pieris and Markus Schneider | 02:40 PM | ||
SIGMOD Research 12: Graph Data Management and Mining (Location: 202B, Chaired by Jian Pei).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
A Convex-Programming Approach for Efficient Directed Densest Subgraph Discovery | Chenhao Ma (The University of Hong Kong); Yixiang Fang (School of Data Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen); Reynold Cheng ("The University of Hong Kong, China"); Laks V.S. Lakshmanan (The University of British Columbia); xiaolin han (The University of Hong Kong) | 02:00 PM | Recording | |
Efficient Algorithms for Maximal k-Biplex Enumeration | Kaiqiang Yu (Nanyang Technological University); Cheng Long (Nanyang Technological University); Shengxin Liu (Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen); Da Yan (University of Alabama at Birmingham) | 02:18 PM | Recording | |
Hunting Temporal Bumps in Graphs with Dynamic Vertex Properties | Yahui Sun (Renmin University of China); Shuai Ma (Beihang University); Bin Cui (Peking University) | 02:36 PM | Recording | |
DMCS : Density Modularity based Community Search | Junghoon Kim (Nanyang Technological University); Siqiang Luo (Nanyang Technological University); Gao Cong (Nanyang Technological Univesity); Wenyuan Yu (Alibaba Group) | 02:54 PM | Recording | |
On Scalable Computation of Graph Eccentricities | Wentao Li (University of Technology Sydney); Miao Qiao (The University of Auckland); Lu Qin (UTS); Lijun Chang (The University of Sydney); Ying Zhang (University of Technology Sydney); Xuemin Lin (University of New South Wales) | 03:12 PM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Research 13: ML for Data Management and Query Processing (Location: 203A, Chaired by Raul Castro Fernandez).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
LHI: A Learned Hamming Space Index Framework for Efficient Similarity Search | Qiyu LIU (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology); Yanyan Shen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Lei Chen (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) | 02:00 PM | Recording | |
Balsa: Learning a Query Optimizer Without Expert Demonstrations | Zongheng Yang (UC Berkeley); Wei-Lin Chiang (UC Berkeley); Sifei Luan (UC Berkeley); Gautam Mittal (UC Berkeley); Michael Luo (UC Berkeley); Ion Stoica (UC Berkeley) | 02:18 PM | Recording | |
LearnedSQLGen: Constraint-aware SQL Generation using Reinforcement Learning | Lixi Zhang (Tsinghua University); Chengliang Chai (Tsinghua University); Xuanhe Zhou (Tsinghua); Guoliang Li (Tsinghua University) | 02:36 PM | Recording | |
Selectivity Functions of Range Queries are Learnable | Xiao Hu (Duke University); Yuxi Liu (Duke University); Haibo Xiu (Duke University); Pankaj K Agarwal (Duke University); Debmalya Panigrahi (Duke University); Sudeepa Roy (Duke University, USA); Jun Yang (Duke University) | 02:54 PM | Recording | |
Lightweight and Accurate Cardinality Estimation by Neural Network Gaussian Process | Kangfei Zhao (The Chinese University of Hong Kong); Jeffrey Xu Yu (Chinese University of Hong Kong); Zongyan He (The Chinese University of Hong Kong); Rui Li (The Chinese University of Hong Kong); Hao Zhang (Chinese University of Hong Kong) | 03:12 PM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Research 14: Modern Hardware and In-memory DBMS (Location: 203B, Chaired by Jianguo Wang).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
X-SSD: A Storage System with Native Support for Database Logging and Replication | Sangjin Lee (Hanyang University); Alberto Lerner (University of Friborug); André Ryser (University of Fribourg); Kibin Park (Hanyang University); Chanyoung Jeon (Hanyang University); Jinsub Park (Hanyang University); Yong Ho Song (Hanyang University & Samsung Electronics); Philippe Cudre-Mauroux (Exascale Infolab, Fribourg University) | 02:00 PM | (No recording permissions) | |
GaccO - A GPU-accelerated OLTP DBMS | Nils Boeschen (TU Darmstadt); Carsten Binnig (TU Darmstadt) | 02:18 PM | Recording | |
Triton Join: Efficiently Scaling the Operator State on GPUs with Fast Interconnects | Clemens Lutz (Technische Universität Berlin); Sebastian Breß (Snowflake); Steffen Zeuch (DFKI Berlin); Tilmann Rabl (HPI, University of Potsdam); Volker Markl (Technische Universität Berlin) | 02:36 PM | Recording | |
Sherman: A Write-Optimized Distributed B+Tree Index on Disaggregated Memory | Qing Wang (Tsinghua University); Youyou Lu (luyouyou@tsinghua.edu.cn); Jiwu Shu (shujw@tsinghua.edu.cn) | 02:54 PM | Recording | |
Halo: A Hybrid PMem-DRAM Persistent Hash Index with Fast Recovery | Daokun Hu (College of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, Hunan University, China); Zhiwen Chen (Hunan University); cw k (HUNAN university); Jianhua Sun (College of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, Hunan University, China); Hao Chen (College of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, Hunan University, China) | 03:12 PM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Research 15: Streaming and Sensor Networks 2 (Location: 204A, Chaired by Riccardo Tommasini).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
LDP-IDS: Local Differential Privacy for Infinite Data Streams | Xuebin Ren (Xi'an Jiaotong University); Liang Shi (Xi'an JiaoTong University); Weiren Yu (University of Warwick); Shusen Yang (Xi'an Jiaotong University); Cong Zhao (Imperial College London); Zongben Xu (Xi'an Jiaotong University) | 02:00 PM | Recording | |
Rethinking Stateful Stream Processing with RDMA | Bonaventura Del Monte (Technische Universität Berlin); Steffen Zeuch (DFKI Berlin); Tilmann Rabl (HPI, University of Potsdam); Volker Markl (Technische Universität Berlin) | 02:18 PM | Recording | |
HYPERSONIC: A Hybrid Parallelization Approach for Scalable Complex Event Processing | Maor Yankovitch (Technion); Ilya Kolchinsky (Technion); Assaf Schuster (Technion) | 02:36 PM | Recording | |
Approximate Range Thresholding | Zhuo Zhang (University of Melbourne); Junhao Gan (University of Melbourne); Zhifeng Bao (RMIT University); Seyed Mohammad Hussein Kazemi (The University of Melbourne ); Guangyong Chen (Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology); Fengyuan Zhu (Kaifeng Investment) | 02:54 PM | Recording | |
Gloria: Graph-based Sharing Optimizer for Event Trend Aggregation | Lei Ma (WPI); Chuan Lei (Instacart); Olga Poppe (Microsoft); Elke A Rundensteiner (WPI) | 03:12 PM | Recording | |
PODS 10: Counting and Dichotomies (Location: 202A, Chaired by Wim Martens).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Counting Database Repairs Entailing a Query: The Case of Functional Dependencies | Marco Calautti, Ester Livshits, Andreas Pieris and Markus Schneider | 04:00 PM | Recording | |
Approximately Counting Subgraphs in Data Streams | Hendrik Fichtenberger and Pan Peng | 04:20 PM | ||
Tight Fine-Grained Bounds for Direct Access on Join Queries | Karl Bringmann, Nofar Carmeli and Stefan Mengel | 04:40 PM | ||
A Dichotomy in Consistent Query Answering for Primary Keys and Unary Foreign Keys | Miika Hannula and Jef Wijsen | 05:00 PM | ||
SIGMOD DnI Panel (Location: 203B, Chaired by Susan Davidson).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
SIGMOD Diversity & Inclusion Panel | Divesh Srivastava, Magda Balazinska, Nesime Tatbul, Arun Kumar, Sourav S. Bhowmick, Katja Hose. Organized by Susan Davidson. | 04:00 PM | ||
SIGMOD Posters (Location: Ballroom B). Support for remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). | ||||
SIGMOD Demos 5: Demonstration (Location: Online).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Mondrian: Spreadsheet Layout Detection | Gerardo Vitagliano (Hasso Plattner Institute); Lucas Reisener (Hasso Plattner Institute); Lan Jiang (Hasso Plattner Institute); Mazhar Hameed (Hasso Plattner Institute); Felix Naumann (Hasso Plattner Institute) | 04:00 PM | ||
Demonstration of PI2: Interactive Visualization Interface Generation for SQL analysis in Notebook | Jeffrey Tao (Columbia University); Yiru Chen (Columbia University); Eugene Wu (Columbia University) | 04:00 PM | ||
SubTab: Data Exploration with Informative Sub-Tables | Kathy Razmadze (Tel Aviv University); Yael Amsterdamer (Bar-Ilan university ); Amit Somech (Bar-Ilan University); Susan B Davidson (University of Pennsylvania); Tova Milo (Tel Aviv University) | 04:00 PM | Recording | |
ShapGraph: An Holistic View of Explanations through Provenance Graphs and Shapley Values | Susan B Davidson (University of Pennsylvania); Daniel Deutch (Tel Aviv University); Nave Frost (Tel-Aviv University); Benny Kimelfeld (Technion); Omer Koren (Tel Aviv University); Mikaël Monet (Millenium Instititute for Foundational Research on Data) | 04:00 PM | Recording | |
Simplifying Access to Large-scale Structured Datasets by Meta-Profiling with Scalable Training Set Enrichment | Sophie Pavia (FSU); Rituparna Khan (FSU); Anna Pyayt (USF); Michael Gubanov (Florida State University) | 04:00 PM | Recording | |
Snakes on a Plan: Compiling Python Functions into Plain SQL Queries | Tim Fischer (Universität Tübingen); Denis Hirn (Universität Tübingen); Torsten Grust (Universität Tübingen) | 04:00 PM | Recording | |
Demonstrating ASET: Ad-hoc Structured Exploration of Text Collections | Benjamin Hättasch (TU Darmstadt); Jan-Micha Rainer Bodensohn (Technische Universität Darmstadt); Carsten Binnig (TU Darmstadt) | 04:00 PM | Recording | |
CFDB: Machine Learning Model Analysis via Databases of CounterFactuals | Idan Meyuhas (Tel Aviv University); Aviv Ben Arie (Intuit); Yair Horesh (Intuit); Daniel Deutch (Tel Aviv University) | 04:00 PM | Recording | |
Pythia: Unsupervised Generation of Ambiguous Textual Claims from Relational Data | Enzo Veltri (Università della Basilicata); Donatello Santoro (Università della Basilicata); Gilbert Badaro (EURECOM); Mohammed Saeed (Eurecom); Paolo Papotti (Eurecom) | 04:00 PM | Recording | |
Demonstration of VegaPlus: Optimizing Declarative Visualization Languages | Junran Yang (University of Washington); Hyekang Joo (University of Maryland, College Park); Sai Yerramreddy (University of Maryland); Siyao Li (University of Maryland ); Dominik Moritz (Carnegie Mellon University); Leilani Battle (University of Washington) | 04:00 PM | Recording | |
Compactionary: A Dictionary for LSM Compactions | Subhadeep Sarkar (Boston University); Kaijie Chen (Boston University); Zichen Zhu (Boston University); Manos Athanassoulis (Boston University) | 04:00 PM | Recording | |
Generating Interpretable Data-Based Explanations for Fairness Debugging using Gopher | Jiongli Zhu (University of California San Diego); Romila Pradhan (Purdue University); Boris Glavic (Illinois Institute of Technology); Babak Salimi (Univeristy of California at San Diego) | 04:00 PM | Recording | |
Demonstrating DB-BERT: A Database Tuning Tool that "Reads the Manual" | Immanuel Trummer (Cornell) | 04:00 PM | Recording | |
Student Research Competition judging (Location: 203A).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
SIGMOD Banquet (Location: National Constitution Center). Support for remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). | ||||
Remote student meetup 4: Remote student meetup 4 (Location: Online). This session is held in Penn's Gather.town at this link | ||||
Student meetup | 08:30 AM | |||
SIGMOD Award Talks (Location: Ballroom A, Chaired by Divyakant Agrawal).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
SIGMOD Award Announcements (Demo, SRC, Reproducibility) | Divyakant Agarwal | 08:00 AM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Systems Award: Apache Spark | Matei Zaharia | 08:12 AM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Contributions Award | Christian S. Jensen | 08:29 AM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Test-of-Time Award | Anastasia Ailamaki | 08:31 AM | Recording | |
Edgar F. Codd Innovations Award | Dan Suciu | 08:48 AM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Keynote 3: Is Data Management the Beating Heart of AI Systems? (Location: Ballroom A, Chaired by Angela Bonifati).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Is Data Management the Beating Heart of AI Systems? | Christopher Re | 09:30 AM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Research 16: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (Location: 202A, Chaired by Behrooz Omidvar-Tehrani).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
SIEVE: A Space-Efficient Algorithm for Viterbi Decoding | Martino Ciaperoni (Aalto University); Aristides Gionis (KTH Royal Institute of Technology); Athanasios Katsamanis (ATHENA R.C., Behavioral Signal Technologies); Panagiotis Karras (Aarhus University) | 11:30 AM | Recording | |
TxtAlign: Efficient Near-Duplicate Text Alignment Search via Bottom-k Sketches for Plagiarism Detection | Zhizhi Wang (Rutgers University); Chaoji Zuo (Rutgers University); Dong Deng (Rutgers University - New Brunswick) | 11:48 AM | Recording | |
Classifier Construction Under Budget Constraints | Shay Gershtein (Tel Aviv University); Tova Milo (Tel Aviv University); Slava Novgorodov (eBay Research); Kathy Razmadze (Tel Aviv University) | 12:06 PM | Recording | |
dCAM: Dimension-wise Class Activation Map for Explaining Multivariate Data Series Classification | Paul Boniol (Université de Paris); Mohammed Meftah (EDF R&D); Emmanuel Remy (EDF R&D); Themis Palpanas (University of Paris) | 12:24 PM | Recording | |
CoLES: Contrastive Learning for Event Sequences with Self-Supervision | Dmitrii Babaev (Sberbank AI Lab); Nikita Ovsov (Sberbank AI Lab); Ivan Kireev (Sberbank AI Lab); Gleb Gusev (Sberbank); Maria Ivanova (Sberbank AI Lab); Ivan Nazarov (AIRI Moscow); Alexander Tuzhilin (New York University, USA) | 12:42 PM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Research 17: Query Processing and Optimization (Location: 202B, Chaired by Chunbin Lin).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Anchored Densest Subgraph | Yizhou Dai (University of Auckland); Miao Qiao (The University of Auckland); Lijun Chang (The University of Sydney) | 11:30 AM | Recording | |
Learned Cardinality Estimation: An In-depth Study | Kyoungmin Kim (POSTECH); Jisung Jeong (Postech); In Seo (POSTECH); Wook-Shin Han (POSTECH); Kangwoo Choi (SAP Labs Korea); Jaehyok Chong (SAP) | 11:48 AM | Recording | |
LSched: A Workload-Aware Learned Query Scheduler for Analytical Database Systems | Ibrahim Sabek (MIT); Tenzin Ukyab (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); Tim Kraska (MIT) | 12:06 PM | Recording | |
Efficient Evaluation of Arbitrarily-Framed Holistic SQL Aggregates and Window Functions | Adrian Vogelsgesang (Tableau); Thomas Neumann (TUM); Viktor Leis (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg); Alfons Kemper (TUM) | 12:24 PM | Recording | |
HINT: A Hierarchical Index for Intervals in Main Memory | George Christodoulou (University of Ioannina); Panagiotis Bouros (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz); Nikos Mamoulis (University of Ioannina) | 12:42 PM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Research 18: Data Management for ML 2 (Location: 203A, Chaired by Joy Arulraj).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Camel: Managing Data for Efficient Stream Learning | Yiming Li (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology); Yanyan Shen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Lei Chen (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) | 11:30 AM | Recording | |
In-Database Machine Learning with CorgiPile: Stochastic Gradient Descent without Full Data Shuffle | Lijie Xu (ETH Zurich); Shuang Qiu (University of Chicago); Binhang Yuan (ETH Zurich); Jiawei Jiang (ETH Zurich); Cedric Renggli (ETH Zurich); Shaoduo Gan (ETH Zurich); Kaan Kara (ETHZ); Guoliang Li (Tsinghua University); Ji Liu (Kwai Inc.); Wentao Wu (Microsoft Research); Jieping Ye (Didi Chuxing & University of Michigan); Ce Zhang (ETH) | 11:48 AM | Recording | |
Distributed GNN Training with Hybrid Dependencies Processing | Qiange Wang (Northeastern University); Yanfeng Zhang (NorthEastern University); Hao Wang (the Ohio State University); Chaoyi Chen (Northeastern University); Xiaodong Zhang (Ohio State U.); Ge Yu (Northeast University) | 12:06 PM | Recording | |
BlindFL: Vertical Federated Machine Learning without Peeking into Your Data | Fangcheng Fu (Peking University); Huanran Xue (Tencent Inc.); Yong Cheng ( Tencent Inc.); Yangyu Tao (Tencent Inc.); Bin Cui (Peking University) | 12:24 PM | Recording | |
The Price of Tailoring the Index to Your Data: Poisoning Attacks on Learned Index Structures | Evgenios Kornaropoulos (George Mason University); Silei Ren (Cornell University); Roberto Tamassia (Brown University) | 12:42 PM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Panel 2: Publication Culture and Review Processes in the Data Management Community: An Open Discussion (Location: 203B, Chaired by Divesh Srivastava).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Publication Culture and Review Processes in the Data Management Community: An Open Discussion | Sihem Amer-Yahia (CNRS LIG and Univ. Grenoble Alpes), Sourav S. Bhowmick (NTU Singapore), Xin Luna Dong (Meta), Stratos Idreos (Harvard), Wolfgang Lehner (TU Dresden). Organized by Divesh Srivastava. | 11:30 AM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Research 19: Databases for Emerging Hardware (Location: 204A, Chaired by Tianzheng Wang).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Optimizing Data-intensive Systems in Disaggregated Data Centers with TELEPORT | Qizhen Zhang (University of Pennsylvania); Xinyi Chen (University of Pennsylvania ); Sidharth Sankhe (University of Pennsylvania); Zhilei Zheng (University of Pennsylvania); Ke Zhong (University of Pennsylvania); Sebastian Angel (University of Pennsylvania); Ang Chen (Rice University); Vincent Liu (University of Pennsylvania); Boon Thau Loo (Univ. of Pennsylvania) | 11:30 AM | Recording | |
TCUDB: Accelerating Database with Tensor Processors | Yu-Ching Hu (University of California, Riverside); Yuliang Li (Megagon Labs); Hung-Wei Tseng (University of California, Riverside) | 11:48 AM | Recording | |
P4DB - The Case for In-Network OLTP | Matthias Jasny (TU Darmstadt); Lasse Thostrup (TU Darmstadt); Tobias Ziegler (TU Darmstadt); Carsten Binnig (TU Darmstadt) | 12:06 PM | Recording | |
Tile-based Lightweight Integer Compression in GPU | Anil Shanbhag (MIT); Bobbi W Yogatama (University of Wisconsin-Madison); Xiangyao Yu (University of Wisconsin-Madison); Samuel Madden (MIT) | 12:24 PM | Recording | |
Avoiding Read Stalls on Flash Storage | Mijin An (Sungkyunkwan University ); Sang Won Lee (Sungkyunkwan University); In-Yeong Song (Hanyang University); Yong Ho Song (Samsung Electronics Co.) | 12:42 PM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Research 20: Database Security and Distributed Data Management (Location: 202A, Chaired by Boon Thau Loo).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
TimeUnion: An Efficient Architecture With Unified Data Model For Timeseries Management Systems With Hybrid Cloud Storage | Zhiqi WANG (The Chinese University of HK); Zili Shao (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) | 02:00 PM | Recording | |
Optimizing Parallel Recursive Datalog Evaluation on Multicore Machines | Jiacheng Wu (Tsinghua University); Jin Wang (UCLA); Carlo Zaniolo (UCLA, USA) | 02:18 PM | Recording | |
Parallel Query Processing: To Separate Communication from Computation | Hao Zhang (Chinese University of Hong Kong); Jeffrey Xu Yu (Chinese University of Hong Kong); Yikai Zhang (Chinese University of Hong Kong); Kangfei Zhao (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) | 02:36 PM | Recording | |
Secure and Policy-Compliant Query Processing on Heterogeneous Computational Storage Architectures | Harshavardhan Unnibhavi (Technische Universität München); David Martins Cerdeira (University of Minho); Antonio Barbalace (The University of Edinburgh); Nuno Santos (INESC-ID / Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa); Pramod Bhatotia (TU Munich) | 02:54 PM | Recording | |
Towards a Practical Database Management System with Verifiable ACID Properties and Transaction Correctness | Yu Xia (MIT); Xiangyao Yu (University of Wisconsin-Madison); Matthew Butrovich (Carnegie Mellon University); Andrew Pavlo (Carnegie Mellon University); Srinivas Devadas (MIT) | 03:12 PM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Research 21: ML for Data Management 2 (Location: 202B, Chaired by Umar Farooq Minhas).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Annotating Columns with Pre-trained Language Models | Yoshihiko Suhara (Megagon Labs); Jinfeng Li (Megagon Labs); Yuliang Li (Megagon Labs); Dan Zhang (Megagon Labs); Cagatay Demiralp (Sigma Computing); Chen Chen (Megagon Labs); Wang-Chiew Tan (Facebook AI) | 02:00 PM | Recording | |
Leva: Boosting Machine Learning Performance with Relational Embedding Data Augmentation | Zixuan Zhao (University of Chicago); Raul Castro Fernandez (UChicago) | 02:18 PM | Recording | |
Cooperative Route Planning Framework for Multiple Distributed Assets in Maritime Applications | Sepideh Nikookar (NJIT); Paras Sakharkar (NJIT); Sathya Somasunder (NJIT); Senjuti Basu Roy (NJIT); Adam Bienkowski (University of Connecticut); Matthew Macesker (University of Connecticut); Krishna Pattipati (University of Connecticut); David Sidoti (Navy Research Lab) | 02:36 PM | Recording | |
Budget-aware Index Tuning with Reinforcement Learning | Wentao Wu (Microsoft Research); Chi Wang (Microsoft Research); Tarique Siddiqui (Microsoft Research); Junxiong Wang (Cornell University); Vivek Narasayya (Microsoft); Surajit Chaudhuri (Microsoft); Philip A Bernstein (Microsoft Research) | 02:54 PM | Recording | |
SAM: Database Generation from Query Workload with Supervised Autoregressive Model | Jingyi Yang (NTU); Peizhi Wu (University of Pennsylvania); Gao Cong (Nanyang Technological Univesity); Tieying Zhang (Carnegie Mellon University); Xiao He (Alibaba Group) | 03:12 PM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Research 22: Provenance and Uncertainty (Location: 203A, Chaired by Adriane Chapman).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Efficient Answering of Historical What-if Queries | Felix S Campbell (Illinois Institute of Technology); Bahareh Sadat Arab (Illinois Institute of Technology); Boris Glavic (Illinois Institute of Technology) | 02:00 PM | Recording | |
Computing the Shapley Value of Facts in Query Answering | Nave Frost (Tel-Aviv University); Daniel Deutch (Tel Aviv University); Benny Kimelfeld (Technion); Mikaël Monet (Millenium Instititute for Foundational Research on Data) | 02:18 PM | Recording | |
JEDI: These aren’t the JSON documents you’re looking for… | Thomas Hütter (University of Salzburg); Nikolaus Augsten (University of Salzburg); Christoph Kirsch (University of Salzburg); Michael Carey (UC Irvine); Chen Li (UC Irvine) | 02:36 PM | Recording | |
HypeR: Hypothetical Reasoning With What-If and How-To Queries Using a Probabilistic Causal Approach | Sainyam Galhotra (University of Chicago); Amir Gilad (Duke University); Sudeepa Roy (Duke University, USA); Babak Salimi (University of California at San Diego) | 02:54 PM | Recording | |
Adaptive Threshold Sampling | Daniel Ting (Tableau Software) | 03:12 PM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Research 23: Storage and Indexing (Location: 203B, Chaired by Dong Deng).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Adaptive Hybrid Indexes | Christoph Anneser (Technical University of Munich); Andreas Kipf (MIT); Huanchen Zhang (Tsinghua University); Thomas Neumann (TU Munich); Alfons Kemper (TUM) | 02:00 PM | Recording | |
Entropy Learned Hashing: 10X Faster Hashing with Controllable Uniformity | Brian N Hentschel (Harvard University); Utku Sirin (Harvard University); Stratos Idreos (Harvard) | 02:18 PM | Recording | |
CompressDB: Enabling Efficient Compressed Data Direct Processing for Various Databases | Weitao Wan (Renmin University of China); Feng Zhang (Renmin University of China); Chenyang Zhang (Renmin University of China); Jidong Zhai (Tsinghua University); yunpeng chai (renmin university of china); Haixiang Li (Tencent Inc., China); Xiaoyong Du (Renmin University of China) | 02:36 PM | Recording | |
Proteus: A Self-Designing Range Filter | Eric R Knorr (Harvard); Baptiste J Lemaire (Harvard University); Andrew Lim (Harvard University); Huanchen Zhang (Tsinghua University); Siqiang Luo (Nanyang Technological University); Stratos Idreos (Harvard); Michael Mitzenmacher (Harvard) | 02:54 PM | Recording | |
Scalable Time Series Compound Infrastructure | Noura S Alghamdi (WPI); liang zhang (WPI); Elke A Rundensteiner (WPI); Mohamed Y. Eltabakh (Worcester Polytechnic Institute) | 03:12 PM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Research 24: Potpourri (Location: 204A, Chaired by George Fletcher).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
PI2: End-to-end Interactive Visualization Interface Generation from Queries | Yiru Chen (Columbia University); Eugene Wu (Columbia University) | 02:00 PM | Recording | |
A Hierarchical Contraction Scheme for Querying Big Graphs | Wenfei Fan (Univ. of Edinburgh ); Yuanhao Li (University of Edinburgh); Muyang Liu (University of Edinburgh); Can Lu (SICS) | 02:18 PM | Recording | |
Representative Query Results by Voting | Rachel Behar (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem); Sara Cohen (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) | 02:36 PM | Recording | |
Protecting Data Markets from Strategic Buyers | Raul Castro Fernandez (UChicago) | 02:54 PM | Recording | |
Automated Category Tree Construction in E-Commerce | Uri Avron (Tel Aviv University); Shay Gershtein (Tel Aviv University); Ido Guy (Meta); Tova Milo (Tel Aviv University); Slava Novgorodov (eBay Research) | 03:12 PM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Research 25: Benchmarking and Performance Evaluation (Location: 202A, Chaired by Gabor Szarnyas).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Online Auditing of Model Accuracy in Machine Learning Based Entity Resolution Pipelines | Naiqing Guan (University of Toronto); Nick Koudas (University of Toronto) | 04:00 PM | Recording | |
Evaluating Multi-GPU Sorting with Modern Interconnects | Tobias Maltenberger (Hasso Plattner Institute); Ivan Ilic (Hasso Plattner Institute); Ilin Tolovski (Hasso Plattner Institute); Tilmann Rabl (HPI, University of Potsdam) | 04:18 PM | Recording | |
How Good is My HTAP System? | Elena Milkai (UW Madison); Yannis Chronis (University of Wisconsin Madison); Kevin P Gaffney (University of Wisconsin-Madison); Zhihan Guo (University of Wisconsin-Madison); Jignesh Patel (UW - Madison); Xiangyao Yu (University of Wisconsin-Madison) | 04:36 PM | Recording | |
Where Is My Training Bottleneck? Hidden Trade-Offs in Deep Learning Preprocessing Pipelines | Alexander Isenko (Technical University of Munich); Ruben Mayer (Technical University of Munich); Jeffery Jedele (Technical University of Munich); Hans-Arno Jacobsen (University of Toronto) | 04:54 PM | Recording | |
Juggler: Autonomous Cost Optimization and Performance Prediction of Big Data Applications | Hani Al-Sayeh (TU Ilmenau); Bunjamin Memishi (German Aerospace Center); Muhammad Attahir Jibril (TU Ilmenau); Marcus Paradies (German Aerospace Center); Kai-Uwe Sattler (TU Ilmenau) | 05:12 PM | Recording | |
Sintel: Intelligent System for Time Series Anomaly Detection | Sarah Alnegheimish (MIT); Dongyu Liu (MIT); Carles Sala (MIT); Laure Berti-Equille (IRD); Kalyan Veeramachaneni (MIT) | 05:30 PM | Recording | |
Serverless Data Science - Are We There Yet? A Case Study of Model Serving | Yuncheng Wu (National University of Singapore); Tien Tuan Anh Dinh (Singapore University of Technology and Design); Guoyu Hu (National University of Singapore); Meihui Zhang (Beijing Institute of Technology); Yeow Meng Chee (National University of Singapore); Beng Chin Ooi (NUS) | 05:48 PM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Research 26: Data Management for ML 3 (Location: 202B, Chaired by Ibrahim Sabek).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Sommelier: Curating DNN Models for the Masses | Peizhen Guo (Yale University); Bo Hu (Yale University); Wenjun Hu (Yale University) | 04:00 PM | Recording | |
FuseME: Distributed Matrix Computation Engine based on Cuboid-based Fused Operator and Plan Generation | Donghyoung Han (KAIST); Jongwuk Lee (Sungkyunkwan University); Min-Soo Kim (KAIST) | 04:18 PM | Recording | |
Video-zilla: An Indexing Layer for Scalable Live Video Analytics | Bo Hu (Yale University); Peizhen Guo (Yale University); Wenjun Hu (Yale University) | 04:36 PM | Recording | |
Warper: Efficiently Adapting Learned Cardinality Estimators to Data and Workload Drifts | Beibin Li (University of Washington); Yao Lu (Microsoft Research); Srikanth Kandula (Microsoft Research) | 04:54 PM | Recording | |
Semantic Indexes for Machine Learning-based Queries over Unstructured Data | Daniel Kang (Stanford University); John Guibas (Stanford University); Peter D Bailis (Stanford University); Tatsunori Hashimoto (Stanford); Matei Zaharia (Stanford and Databricks) | 05:12 PM | Recording | |
Givens QR Decomposition over Relational Databases | Dan Olteanu (University of Zurich); Nils Vortmeier (University of Zurich); Dorde Zivanovic (University of Oxford) | 05:30 PM | Recording | |
Materialization and Reuse Optimizations for Production Data Science Pipelines | Behrouz Derakhshan (DFKI); Alireza Rezaei Mahdiraji (AgoroCarbon); Zoi Kaoudi (TU Berlin); Tilmann Rabl (HPI, University of Potsdam); Volker Markl (Technische Universität Berlin) | 05:48 PM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Research 27: Graph Data Management and Social Networks (Location: 203A, Chaired by Arijit Khan).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Scalable and Effective Bipartite Network Embedding | Renchi Yang (National University of Singapore); Jieming Shi (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University); Keke Huang (National University of Singapore); Xiaokui Xiao (National University of Singapore) | 04:00 PM | Recording | |
Relative Subboundedness of Contraction Hierarchy and Hierarchical 2-Hop Index in Dynamic Road Networks | Yikai Zhang (Chinese University of Hong Kong); Jeffrey Xu Yu (Chinese University of Hong Kong) | 04:18 PM | Recording | |
One Set to Cover All Maximal Cliques Approximately | Xiaofan Li (Swinburne University of Technology); Rui Zhou (Swinburne University of Technology); Lu Chen (Swinburne University of Technology); Chengfei Liu (Swinburne University of Technology); Qiang He (Swinburne University of Technology); Yun Yang (Swinburne University of Technology) | 04:36 PM | Recording | |
BatchHL: Answering Distance Queries on Batch-Dynamic Networks at Scale | Muhammad Farhan (Australian National University); Qing Wang (ANU); Henning Koehler (Massey University) | 04:54 PM | Recording | |
Fast Maximal Clique Enumeration on Uncertain Graphs: A Pivot-based Approach | Qiangqiang Dai (Beijing Institute of Technology); Ronghua Li (Beijing Institute of Technology); Meihao Liao (Beijing Institute of Technology); Hongzhi CHEN (ByteDance); Guoren Wang (Beijing Institute of Technology) | 05:12 PM | Recording | |
Efficient Personalized PageRank Computation: A Spanning Forests Sampling Based Approach | Meihao Liao (Beijing Institute of Technology); Ronghua Li (Beijing Institute of Technology); Qiangqiang Dai (Beijing Institute of Technology); Guoren Wang (Beijing Institute of Technology) | 05:30 PM | Recording | |
Explaining Link Prediction Systems based on Knowledge Graph Embeddings | Andrea Rossi (Roma Tre University); Donatella Firmani (Roma Tre University); Paolo Merialdo (University Roma Tre); Tommaso Teofili (Roma Tre University) | 05:48 PM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Research 28: Spatial, Temporal, and Multimedia Databases (Location: 203B, Chaired by Nikos Mamoulis).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Computing Complex Temporal Join Queries Efficiently | Xiao Hu (Duke University); Stavros Sintos (University of Chicago); Junyang Gao (Google); Pankaj K Agarwal (Duke University); Jun Yang (Duke University) | 04:00 PM | Recording | |
OTIF: Efficient Tracker Pre-processing over Large Video Datasets | Favyen Bastani (MIT CSAIL); Samuel Madden (MIT) | 04:18 PM | Recording | |
Controlled Intentional Degradation in Analytical Video Systems | Wenjia He (University of Michigan); Michael Cafarella (University of Michigan) | 04:36 PM | Recording | |
SLAM: Efficient Sweep Line Algorithms for Kernel Density Visualization | Tsz Nam Chan (Hong Kong Baptist University); Leong Hou U (University of Macau); Byron Choi (Hong Kong Baptist University); Jianliang Xu (Hong Kong Baptist University) | 04:54 PM | Recording | |
Faster and Better Solution to Embed Lp Metrics by Tree Metrics | Yuxiang Zeng (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology); Yongxin Tong (Beihang University); Lei Chen (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) | 05:12 PM | Recording | |
τ-LevelIndex: Towards Efficient Query Processing in Continuous Preference Space | JIAHAO ZHANG (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University); Bo Tang (Southern University of Science and Technology); Man Lung Yiu (Hong Kong Polytechnic University); Xiao Yan (Southern University of Science and Technology); Keming Li (Southern University of Science and Technology) | 05:30 PM | Recording | |
SIGMOD Industry 2: Industrial Session 2 (Location: 204A, Chaired by Rebecca Taft).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
HiEngine: How to Architect a Cloud-Native Memory-Optimized Database Engine | Ma, Wenlong; Xie, Siphrey; Zhong, Henry; Lee, Leon; Lv, King | 04:00 PM | Recording | |
Intelligent Automated Workload Analysis for Database Replatforming | Aleyasen, Amirhossein; Morcos, Mark; Antova, Lyublena; Sugiyama, Marc; Korablev, Dmitri; Patvarczki, Jozsef; Mutreja, Rima; Duller, Michael; Waas, Florian M.; Winslett, Marianne | 04:18 PM | Recording | |
ESDB: Processing Extremely Skewed Workloads in Real-time | Zhang, Jiachi; Cheng, Shi; Xue, Zhihui; Deng, Jianjun; Fu, Cuiyun; Zhou, Wenchao*; Wang, Sheng; Chen, Changcheng; Li, Feifei | 04:36 PM | Recording | |
Deploying a Steered Query Optimizer in Production at Microsoft | Zhang, Wangda; Interlandi, Matteo*; Mineiro, Paul; Qiao, Shi; Ghazanfari, Nasim; Lie, Karlen; Friedman, Marc; Hosn, Rafah; Patel, Hiren; Jindal, Alekh | 04:54 PM | Recording | |
Enabling the Next Generation of Multi-Region Applications with CockroachDB | Nathan VanBenschoten, Arul Ajmani, Marcus Gartner, Andrei Matei, Aayush Shah, Irfan Sharif, Alexander Shraer, Adam Storm, Rebecca Taft, Oliver Tan, Andy Woods, Peyton Walters | 05:12 PM | Recording | |
KafkaDirect: Zero-copy Data Access for Apache Kafka over RDMA Networks | Taranov, Konstantin; Byan, Steve; Marathe, Virendra; Hoefler, Torsten | 05:30 PM | Recording | |
Cloud-Native Transactions and Analytics in SingleStore | Prout, Adam D; Wang, Szu-po; Victor, Joseph; Sun, Zhou; Li, Yongzhu; Chen, Jack; LaLonde, Genevieve; Bergeron, Evan; Hanson, Eric N; Walzer, Robert; Gomes, Rodrigo; Shamgunov, Nikita | 05:48 PM | Recording | |
Remote student meetup 5: Remote student meetup 5 (Location: Online, Chaired by ). This session is held in Penn's Gather.town at this link remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). | ||||
Student meetup | 01:00 PM | |||
TaPP 1: First Session (Location: 204A, Chaired by Daniel Deutch, Tanu Malik).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Highlight Videos: brief video presentations of all workshop papers | 08:30 AM | |||
Welcome and Introduction | 09:00 AM | |||
Novel Uses of Provenance in Data Science | Susan Davidson | 09:15 AM | ||
DataEd 1: Opening Keynote and Paper session 1 (Location: 202B, Chaired by George Fletcher).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Keynote: Data-Centricity: Rethinking Introductory Computing to Support Data Science | Kathi Fisler | 09:00 AM | ||
Instructional Design for Teaching Relational Query Optimization to Undergraduates | Karen Davis | 10:00 AM | ||
The Positive Effects of using Reflective Prompts in a Database Course | Naaz Sibia | 10:15 AM | ||
aiDM 1: Keynote 1 (Location: 203A, Chaired by Yael Amsterdamer, Ryan Marcus, Donatella Firmani).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Keynote | Nick Koudas, University of Toronto | 09:15 AM | ||
DBTest 1: First Session (Location: 203B, Chaired by Manuel Rigger, Pinar Tozun).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Welcome | Manuel Rigger and Pinar Tozun | 09:30 AM | ||
Journey of Migrating Millions of Queries on the Cloud | T. Saito, N. Takezoe, Y. Okada, T. Shimamoto, D. Yu, S. Chandrashekharachar, K. Sasaki, S. Okumiya, Y. Wang, T. Kurihara, R. Kobayashi, K. Suzuki, Z. Yang, and M. Onizuka | 09:45 AM | ||
Benchbot: Benchmark-as-a-Service for TiDB | Yuying Song and Huansheng Chen | 10:15 AM | ||
Sponsors 3: Sponsors Session 3 (Location: 202A, Chaired by Qizhen Zhang).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Building and Operationalizing Storage at Scale at eBay | Tariq Mustafa | 09:00 AM | ||
What is new at Snowflake | Sebastian Bress | 09:15 AM | ||
Large-scale data management at Bytedance | Jianjun Chen | 09:30 AM | ||
CockroachDB: You named your database what??? | Adam Storm | 09:45 AM | ||
Tutorial 5: HTAP Databases: What is New and What is Next (Location: Online, Chaired by Yinjun Wu).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
HTAP Databases: What is New and What is Next, Part I | Guoliang Li (Tsinghua University); Chao Zhang (Tsinghua University) | 09:00 AM | Recording | |
HTAP Databases: What is New and What is Next, Part II | Guoliang Li (Tsinghua University); Chao Zhang (Tsinghua University) | 09:40 AM | Recording | |
TaPP 2: Second Session (Location: 204A, Chaired by Daniel Deutch, Tanu Malik).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Towards Practical Approximate Lineage | Michael Leybovich and Oded Shmueli | 11:00 AM | ||
Worst-case Analysis for Interactive Evaluation of Boolean Provenance (R) | Antoine Amarilli and Yael Amsterdamer | 11:30 AM | Recording | |
Provenance-based explanations: Are they useful? (R) | Sarah Oppold and Melanie Herschel | 12:00 PM | ||
DataEd 2: Paper session 2 (Location: 202B, Chaired by Fenia Aivaloglou).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Game-based Learning of SQL Injections | Johannes Schildgen | 11:00 AM | ||
Enhancing Data Education with Datathons: an Experience with Open Data on Renewable Energy Systems | Marco Zappatore | 11:15 AM | ||
Collaborative Learning in an Introductory Database Course: A Study with Think-Pair-Share and Team Peer Review | Daniele Traversaro | 11:30 AM | ||
Teaching Data Models with TriQL | Abdussalam Alawini | 11:45 AM | ||
aiDM 2: Session 2 (Location: 203A, Chaired by Yael Amsterdamer, Ryan Marcus, Donatella Firmani).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Neuroshard: Towards Automatic Multi-objective Sharding with Deep Reinforcement Learning | Tamer Eldeeb, Columbia University, Zhengneng Chen, Seamoney, Asaf Cidon, and Junfeng Yang, Columbia University | 11:00 AM | ||
Machop: an End-to-End Generalized Entity Matching Framework | Jin Wang, Yuliang Li, Wataru Hirota and Eser Kandogan, Megagon Labs | 11:30 AM | ||
GCNSplit: Bounding the State of Streaming Graph Partitioning | Michal Zwolak, Zainab Abbas, Sonia Horchidan, Paris Carbone, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and Vasiliki Kalavri, Boston University | 12:00 PM | ||
DBTest 2: Keynote 1 and JSON (Location: 203B, Chaired by Manuel Rigger, Pinar Tozun).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
DuckDB Testing - Present and Future | Mark Raasveldt | 11:00 AM | ||
DeepBench -- Benchmarking JSON Document Stores | Stefano Belloni, Daniel Ritter, Marco Schröder, Nils Rörup | 12:00 PM | ||
Tutorial 6: Explainable AI: Foundations, Applications, Opportunities for Data Management Research, Part 1 (Location: Online, Chaired by Yinjun Wu).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Explainable AI: Foundations, Applications, Opportunities for Data Management Research, Part 1 | Romila Pradhan (Purdue University); Aditya Lahiri (University Of California, San Diego); Sainyam Galhotra (University of Chicago); Babak Salimi (University of California at San Diego) | 11:00 AM | Recording | |
Explainable AI: Foundations, Applications, Opportunities for Data Management Research, Part 2 | Romila Pradhan (Purdue University); Aditya Lahiri (University Of California, San Diego); Sainyam Galhotra (University of Chicago); Babak Salimi (University of California at San Diego) | 11:16 AM | Recording | |
Explainable AI: Foundations, Applications, Opportunities for Data Management Research, Part 2 | Romila Pradhan (Purdue University); Aditya Lahiri (University Of California, San Diego); Sainyam Galhotra (University of Chicago); Babak Salimi (University of California at San Diego) | 11:44 AM | Recording | |
Explainable AI: Foundations, Applications, Opportunities for Data Management Research, Part 3 | Romila Pradhan (Purdue University); Aditya Lahiri (University Of California, San Diego); Sainyam Galhotra (University of Chicago); Babak Salimi (University of California at San Diego) | 12:19 PM | Recording | |
TaPP 3: Third Session (Location: 204A, Chaired by Daniel Deutch, Tanu Malik).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Efficient Approximate Search for Sets of Lineage Vectors | Michael Leybovich and Oded Shmueli | 02:00 PM | ||
Runtime Provenance Refinement for Notebooks | Nachiket Deo, Boris Glavic and Oliver Kennedy | 02:30 PM | Recording | |
Bias Analysis and Mitigation in Data-Driven Tools Using Provenance | Yuval Moskovitch, Jinyang Li and H. V. Jagadish | 02:50 PM | ||
Data Provenance for Recursive SQL Queries | Benjamin Dietrich, Tobias Müller and Torsten Grust | 03:10 PM | ||
DataEd 3: Paper session 3 (Location: 202B, Chaired by Daphne Miedema).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Keynote: Teaching Responsible Data Science | Julia Stoyanovich | 01:30 PM | ||
Discussion sessions | 02:30 PM | |||
aiDM 3: Session 3 (Location: 203A, Chaired by Yael Amsterdamer, Ryan Marcus, Donatella Firmani).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
LSI: A Learned Secondary Index Structure | Andreas Kipf, Dominik Horn, Pascal Pfeil, Ryan Marcus and Tim Kraska, MIT CSAIL | 02:00 PM | ||
Micro-architectural Analysis of a Learned Index | Mikkel Møller Andersen, Aalborg University, Copenhagen, and Pinar Tozun, IT University of Copenhagen | 02:30 PM | ||
DBTest 3: Keynote 2, Second Session, Posters (Location: 203B, Chaired by Manuel Rigger, Pinar Tozun).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
TBD | Shan Lu | 02:00 PM | ||
FuzzyData: A Scalable Workload Generator for Testing Dataframe Workflow Systems | Mohammed Suhail Rehman, Aaron Elmore | 03:00 PM | ||
Poster session | 03:30 PM | |||
Sponsors 4: Sponsors Session 4 (Location: 202A, Chaired by Yi Zhang).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
The best warehouse is a Lakehouse (Databricks) | Ankur Dave | 11:00 AM | ||
Supercharging AI Applications with Vector Databases (Zilliz) | Frank Liu | 11:30 AM | ||
Talk by MongoDB | 11:35 AM | |||
Talk by Intel | 11:40 AM | |||
Tutorial 7: Spatial Data Quality in the IoT Era: Management and Exploitation, Part 1 (Location: Online, Chaired by Yinjun Wu).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Spatial Data Quality in the IoT Era: Management and Exploitation, Part 1 | Huan Li (Aalborg University); Bo Tang (Southern University of Science and Technology); Hua Lu (Roskilde University); Muhammad Aamir Cheema (Monash University); Christian S Jensen (Aalborg University) | 02:00 PM | Recording | |
Spatial Data Quality in the IoT Era: Management and Exploitation, Part 2 | Huan Li (Aalborg University); Bo Tang (Southern University of Science and Technology); Hua Lu (Roskilde University); Muhammad Aamir Cheema (Monash University); Christian S Jensen (Aalborg University) | 02:23 PM | Recording | |
Spatial Data Quality in the IoT Era: Management and Exploitation, Part 3 | Huan Li (Aalborg University); Bo Tang (Southern University of Science and Technology); Hua Lu (Roskilde University); Muhammad Aamir Cheema (Monash University); Christian S Jensen (Aalborg University) | 03:05 PM | Recording | |
TaPP 4: Fourth Session (Location: 204A, Chaired by Daniel Deutch, Tanu Malik).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
TaPP Town Hall | 04:30 PM | |||
Universal provenance for regular path queries (R) | Gosta Grahne, Tianyi Liu and Nehatollaah Shiri | 04:45 PM | Recording | |
DCM Explorer: A Tool to Support Transparent Data Cleaning through Provenance Exploration (R) | Nikolaus Parulian and Bertram Ludäscher | 05:00 PM | ||
Measuring Information Gain using Provenance | Shemon Rawat, Seokki Lee and Taeho Jung | 05:20 PM | ||
Wrap-up | 05:40 PM | |||
DataEd 4: Paper session 3 (Location: 202B, Chaired by George Fletcher).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Managing Data... and COVID -- An Experience Report | Alan Labouseur | 04:15 PM | ||
Analyzing Student SQL Solutions via Hierarchical Clustering and Sequence Alignment | Sophia Yang | 04:30 PM | ||
Piloting Data Engineering at Berkeley | Joseph M. Hellerstein | 04:45 PM | ||
Teaching Data Management Concepts for Data in Files | Alan Fekete | 05:00 PM | ||
Break | 05:15 PM | |||
Industry Panel: Industry Perspectives on Educatio nand Training for Emerging Roles in Data | Sarah Krasnik and Emilie Schario | 05:45 PM | ||
aiDM 4: Keynote 2 (Location: 203A, Chaired by Yael Amsterdamer, Ryan Marcus, Donatella Firmani).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Keynote | Nipun Agarwal (Sr Vice President, MySQL DB & Heatwave, Oracle) | 04:30 PM | ||
DBTest 4: Panel Discussion (Location: 203B, Chaired by Manuel Rigger, Pinar Tozun).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Panel Discussion | Greg Law, Allison Lee, Abdul Quamar, Yingjun Wu | 04:30 PM | ||
Tutorial 8: Multi-Tenant Cloud Data Services: State-of-the-Art, Challenges and Opportunities (Location: 202A).
This session is streamed on the following Zoom link , with remote questions and discussion (including after the talk!) on Slack (sign up for Slack with the button at the top of the page). |
Multi-Tenant Cloud Data Services: State-of-the-Art, Challenges and Opportunities | Vivek Narasayya (Microsoft); Surajit Chaudhuri (Microsoft) | 02:00 PM | Recording |